Captain Game Mode UNBALANCED

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Almost every one knows that captain game mode is unbalanced, I´m here to suggest some changes to the troops to make it more fair:
1.-Shock troops and heavy/light archers should increase their base numbers in one troop
2.-All archers need to move faster from 74-73 to 80-79
3.-All shock troops need to increase their movement speed in 1 point
4.-All heavy cavalry must increase it´s base armor in 2 points
5.-All skirmishers need to increase their base numbers in one troop
6.-All skirmishers need to increase their shooting speed just a little bit
Now I´m going to suggest changes to some units in particular
Menavliatons: Their armor and damage are too low, one of them need to be changed, if is the armor it should be increased from 7 to 10
Varyags: They are too powerfull, too much armor, damge and a broken perk (paded armor), let´s increase their armor in one point but decrease their numbers from 16 to 15, and change their perk of cavalry breaker to another I would like to suggest a new one called huskar( suggested name) that gives them a 2 handed axe
I will like to know your opinions and suggestions on this
Almost every one knows that captain game mode is unbalanced, I´m here to suggest some changes to the troops to make it more fair:
1.-Shock troops and heavy/light archers should increase their base numbers in one troop
2.-All archers need to move faster from 74-73 to 80-79
3.-All shock troops need to increase their movement speed in 1 point
4.-All heavy cavalry must increase it´s base armor in 2 points
5.-All skirmishers need to increase their base numbers in one troop
6.-All skirmishers need to increase their shooting speed just a little bit
Now I´m going to suggest changes to some units in particular
Menavliatons: Their armor and damage are too low, one of them need to be changed, if is the armor it should be increased from 7 to 10
Varyags: They are too powerfull, too much armor, damge and a broken perk (paded armor), let´s increase their armor in one point but decrease their numbers from 16 to 15, and change their perk of cavalry breaker to another I would like to suggest a new one called huskar( suggested name) that gives them a 2 handed axe
I will like to know your opinions and suggestions on this
1. Problems are weak weapons, not quantity, still part of 2handers has hammers which wins with heavy inf.
2. TW decreased it for a reason.... the speed of archers was exploited in the past.
3. -
4. -
5. Skirmishers don't even work on native.
6. AI need +130% in throwing speed to fix AI behavior XD

Yea, menavlions are too weak in melee, heavy menavlion should have blunt dmg.
Varyags shouldn't have access to axe in padded armor (similar problem with empire heavy inf).
You can't force AI to use a specific weapon, so varyags will still use onehanded weapon and shield or only twohanded axe.
1. Problems are weak weapons, not quantity, still part of 2handers has hammers which wins with heavy inf.
2. TW decreased it for a reason.... the speed of archers was exploited in the past.
3. -
4. -
5. Skirmishers don't even work on native.
6. AI need +130% in throwing speed to fix AI behavior XD

Yea, menavlions are too weak in melee, heavy menavlion should have blunt dmg.
Varyags shouldn't have access to axe in padded armor (similar problem with empire heavy inf).
You can't force AI to use a specific weapon, so varyags will still use onehanded weapon and shield or only twohanded axe.
2 handers get wipe out by heavy and light infantry, even if they go blund weapons in a 1v1 they get destroyed and I understand that fast archers could be a problem but I'm not asking for them to be faster than infantry just a little shower than them
2 handers get wipe out by heavy and light infantry, even if they go blund weapons in a 1v1 they get destroyed
2handers will lose in frontal attack or against inf with axe, but normal match look like 5 heavy inf + 1 2handed with hammer, second team plays the same or if they don't have 2handers with hammer, they need to take 1 heavy inf with axe to counter 2handers.

Archers should be able to shoot at longer distances like +50-100%, faster archers will generate too many problems.
There are some decent ideas being expressed here, it would beneficial to at least see some concerns about Mono Unit dominance (Heavy Infantry)

It would be more fruitful and productive to increase the combat effectiveness of non Heavy Infantry units, in order to promote more varied tactical play in games.

In specific, shock troops are typically not used in the majority of games, because Heavy infantry performs every role the shock troops do, except with increased armor, numbers, and shields.

I believe a relatively simple solution to this issue would be to increase the quantity of Shock Troops in every unit. An increase of 1 unit would be appreciated, but wouldn't truly solve the issue, at least in my opinion.

An increase of 2 or more troops to the size of a unit of shock troops would make them substantially more viable, and increase tactical play in Captains Mode, and hopefully disincentivize the Mind Numbing gameplay of Heavy Infantry spam.

While none of these changes would be required, they would certainly be much appreciated.
dmg (pure dmg to non-armored units, yea bots on warmup don't have armor xd)
Sturgia Great Axe 150-170 cut
Two handed maul 120-150 blunt - meta
Berserker Skin 100-140 cut

Vlandia Voulge 120-140 cut - useless, same dmg as axe on sergant
Billhook 140 cut - useless (too slow to be effective, should be changed to blunt with -10% dmg debbuf)

Empire Heavy menavlion 115-120 cut - useless (it really only need change to blunt to start working)
Longer menavlion 100-120 cut - useless
Improved Armor 95-115 cut - useless

Battania Rhomphaia 100-125 cut - totally useless
Hammer 130 blunt - meta
Improved Armor 75-85 cut - totally useless

Aserai Bardiche 150-160 cut
Improved Armor 120-130 cut

Effective cut weapons start with min. 140-150 dmg, as you see most of them are not :v Increasing the quantity of 2handers won't change anything.

2handers needs fix in dmg + in my opinion "CanCrushThrough" in every 2handers weapon (hit can pierce the upper block).

The best solution to fix mono-unit dominance is adding to game class limits (for example max 3 units in the same class) + skirmishers fix. (here I wrote solution for useless skirmishers).
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