
Almost every one knows that captain game mode is unbalanced, I´m here to suggest some changes to the troops to make it more fair:
1.-Shock troops and heavy/light archers should increase their base numbers in one troop
2.-All archers need to move faster from 74-73 to 80-79
3.-All shock troops need to increase their movement speed in 1 point
4.-All heavy cavalry must increase it´s base armor in 2 points
5.-All skirmishers need to increase their base numbers in one troop
6.-All skirmishers need to increase their shooting speed just a little bit
Now I´m going to suggest changes to some units in particular
Menavliatons: Their armor and damage are too low, one of them need to be changed, if is the armor it should be increased from 7 to 10
Varyags: They are too powerfull, too much armor, damge and a broken perk (paded armor), let´s increase their armor in one point but decrease their numbers from 16 to 15, and change their perk of cavalry breaker to another I would like to suggest a new one called huskar( suggested name) that gives them a 2 handed axe
I will like to know your opinions and suggestions on this
1.-Shock troops and heavy/light archers should increase their base numbers in one troop
2.-All archers need to move faster from 74-73 to 80-79
3.-All shock troops need to increase their movement speed in 1 point
4.-All heavy cavalry must increase it´s base armor in 2 points
5.-All skirmishers need to increase their base numbers in one troop
6.-All skirmishers need to increase their shooting speed just a little bit
Now I´m going to suggest changes to some units in particular
Menavliatons: Their armor and damage are too low, one of them need to be changed, if is the armor it should be increased from 7 to 10
Varyags: They are too powerfull, too much armor, damge and a broken perk (paded armor), let´s increase their armor in one point but decrease their numbers from 16 to 15, and change their perk of cavalry breaker to another I would like to suggest a new one called huskar( suggested name) that gives them a 2 handed axe
I will like to know your opinions and suggestions on this