Capes and Dyes?

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I dont know how to mod, but I have an idea. Capes. I think they would be so cool! Everyone looks cooler with a cape on :smile: Also maybe the ability to dye your armor colors to make cool sets of same color armor or your own design? Well these are just ideas, and the dyes I think might be easy to make, but the capes would have to be a whole new piece of armor -_-
This is a good idea that was brought up in the suggestion forum. It would be nice to have capes or shoulder cloths. Something that you could use to identify the important people on the battle field and also to make yourself feel good :lol:
I realized recently that what was bugging me a lot about M&B was the lack of capes and cloaks, which were super common medieval article of clothing. I think a cape and cloak category would warrent its own clothing slot and maybe even include robes. Capes are varied and there would be several different types, ranging from the rough wool cloaks that a forester might wear to the elaborate and colourful heraldic capes worn by nobles. They would be a great addition to the game.
Dont forget he short capes for duelists and riders. I missed capes when I started to play the game, it should be a great idea.
Although a great idea, this would better go at the Suggestions section :smile: since it's more probable that this will come in an update rather than in a mod.
Well, I'll reply here, since I think the OP was suggesting it for adding to a mod, not neccessarily the core game. Since the first thing the suggestion forum regulars seem to nail is history. It'd probably be a good thing to let you know ahead of time that few wore cloaks or riding capes into a battle, they were good to keep the weather off, and good for show, but in a fight, they were just one more thing to snag and get you killed.

However, I'd love to see it in the mods, especially a fantasy one, where EVERYONE wears a cloak into combat (it's a rule, somewhere, I'm certain of it :wink: ).
I'd love to see some cloaks and the like. if anyone does make this, can they throw in a plaid cloak so I can kit my gallic warrior out proper like.
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