Cant upgrade soldiers

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Im sorry that Im new and I cant use the search properly because my question seems like it should be very easy to answer and would have been answered already. But yeah, I suck at coming up with search words so I just have to ask:

What are the levels for the soldier upgrades? I was a bit stunned with this new patch because suddenly I cant get decent soldiers even when Im doing good. Im already lvl 12 but I cant get past footmans. I want those man at arms damnit! Now all my soldiers are footmans ready to upgrade but the game says that I cant upgrade because Im too low lvl. I even tried raising my leadership skill and now I have two extra stack slots but even that doesnt help.
You can only upgrade troops that have your level +5.
So, if men-at-arms are level 20 (I'm not sure), you can only get them when you're level 15.
Knights are somewhere around level 25, so you can only upgrade troops to knights when you are around level 20.
The newest version added this feature, to prevent snotnosed punks from having an army of knights. Men-at-arms were level 20, IIRC. So, you need to be level 15. It's always your level+5.
Okay. Thanks for the quick replies. Is there some place where I can read useful little facts like these, other than the faq thread?
Good i read this thread cause i was going crazy because of the same thing. Bah so now i have to run around with a rabble of peasants all the time!!!!!! :sad:

Im not so sure i like this........
imho, it should be your level -5 levels rather than the other way around. lvl 20 is still too low to train knights...
Slaists said:
imho, it should be your level -5 levels rather than the other way around. lvl 20 is still too low to train knights...

You are crazy :lol:
actually , I think your army should upgrade slower. Although it shouldnt be dependant on your level.
Remember there were many junior kings
and inferior leader. That inherited Great troops.
But they had STATUS, wich is a very useful thing to know about, status and respect go hand in hand with power. They are also bothn creations of the mind, lose your respect and status and you will find yourself alone or dead.
this is a great idea, as, if you think about it, it also makes troops freed from enemy prisioner trains etc. much more useful, as they are harder to train...
One thing to note: you can still inherit knights and other high-level units. Simply defeat a group that has them as prisoner and they are yours. I managed to command a knight when I couldn't even upgrade my peasants. :grin:
Some men earned that status. Especially in the mongols and the huns. Kill the leader and voila'. Tag youre it.
Agreed, just have troops take MUCH longer to upgrade. It really takes you put of the game when you have an entire stack of troops rdy for upgrade and the only thing stopping you from doning from is some unseen force....

I mean if ya wanted you could have knights after being in only a very few fights just by living in the arena for 20 levels. By me after 20 or so battles with sea raiders an finished the bandit quest am stuck with rather useless caravan guards. I'd love to be able to upgrade, because I plan on using no calvary is defiance to how overpowered they are at the moment. As it I end up 1,5,1,5,1,5,1,5,1,5,1,5,1,5,LISTEN TO ME DAMMIT,1,5,1,5,1,5,1,5,1,5,1,5.......
Agreed, just have troops take MUCH longer to upgrade.

It already sucks bad enough when you take that peasant and mold him into a Swadian Knight, only to see him die fighting a river pirate. Or watch that Sword Sister get shot in the head by your own crossbowman. Now you want it take even longer to train 'em up? Why do you people hate me. :cry:

I hate the upgrading thing now, it's just less fun. I did realise that troops upgraded quickly before but i liked it. Now my army keeps getting slain because although they're all ready to upgrade i can't upgrade them. Buying them back costs lots early on when money is tight. I want something better than footmen. I like the idea of slower upgrading with no level limits but you could put a cost on upgrading troops instead. Therefore you can get knights if you're prepared to pay. Annoying if you have no money, maybe just leave it for the higher - post footman level troops. That way you get get footmen easy but horsemen cost a bit more.
Heh, right now i just run around with Borcha and Marnid till i level up enough to do some serious upgrading. Any other thing is just throwing away my money...
I like it better this way, makes the game more challenging when you get attacked by a powerful enemy group (sea raiders, khergits, etc) and have to fight them off with just militia and skirmishers. Makes it fun also trying to liberate prisoners and getting some powerful troops. The game was way too easy before and got boring after a few days, now it has more longevity.
I like how it is now, i see no sense getting the good troops so early like i used to.

I would like though, to be able to higher better troops when i get higher rank in my army (for example hire a swadian footman directly once you reach a squire rank)
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