Can't open and now can't install

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I installed and runned the game correctly...
I played for 2 days... but now I tried to open the game but nothing happens (when I press ctrl + alt + del, the game apears to be running, but it isn't).

I reinstall but nothing happens...

And now, the installation isn't opening!

What I do?

Welcome to the forum, Sign. :smile:

Can you give us a little more information?

System specs ... operating system?

Thanks and I'm sorry you are having trouble with the game,

Narcissus said:
Welcome to the forum, Sign. :smile:

Can you give us a little more information?

System specs ... operating system?

Thanks and I'm sorry you are having trouble with the game,


Sure ^^

Processor: Amd Athlon XP 1800+ T-Bred B
MainBoard: Soyo Dragon Lite KT400
Memory: 256 MB DDR PC3200 (400mhz)
VideoCard: Geforce 4 mx 440 SE
HD: Seagate Barracuda 40GB 7200 RPM
OperationalSys: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2600
Directx 9.0c
VideoCard Driver: NVidia 81.85 Forceware Driver

If need more info, tell me ^^


Well... I still can't install...

I installed by the first time. After, installed the detail_props0.6, arena_expansion with undead 1.3, and mag-7v.31

I didn't like the undead version, so, I uninstalled it and installed the version without undead. So, the game wasn't opening anymore.

I uninstalled the game by "Install/remove programs".
Reinstalled... and after the instalation, the game isn't running...

I uninstalled again, I deleted the game folder, and I try to reinstall... the installation setup don't apear. (at the windows running processes, the setup don't apear at the list).

Well... I want to play it too much... :roll:

I wish I could help you, but I'm not sure what else to do. I'm contacting a couple of people that know more about computers than I do ... hopefully one of them or Armagan will know how to deal with your problem.

Thanks for being so understanding and patient,

Make sure you restart your computer between uninstalls/reinstalls.

Redownload Mount&Blade full install to .704

Completely remove it from your computer, then restart it, try installing it again to a different directory from the one you had before (IE: If it was at C:\Mount&Blade try installing it to C:\Games\Mount&Blade or C:\Program Files\Mount&Blade

Normally if the game wont run you need to restart, and/or not use the mod you downloaded. Sometimes I found out, if I do something funky with a mod it will freak out and not start up, but then the reguler Native folder will work great.

Make sure your drivers and such are updated along with Direct X 9.0c

Just a footnote: A good idea is to keep the .704 UPDATE on your computer as well. That way, when something goes wrong you run the Update and that will normally fix it for me, if not, you just use the full install.
Couple of things to try if your still having problems:

1. Delete all M&B related folders (uninstall if it is still installed). Re-download the full setup, but don't run it yet.

2. Go to start -> run and type in MSCONFIG. Hit enter

3. On the new window that appears, click on the startup tab. Click the disable all button and click OK.

4. Restart when prompted.

5. (ignore any messages from msconfig. Close it down if it re-appears) Go to start -> run and type %TEMP%. Hit enter. In the new window that opens, delete all files and folders (this is the windows temperary directory. Setup will unpack files into it, and already existing files can cause problems).

6. Close the window and try running the M&B setup. If it works, try running the vanilla M&B without Mods to test if it is working.

7. Run MSCONFIG again. Go to startup. Check the box next to your anti-virus, firewall and any other essential software that you recognise. Click OK and restart when prompted.

I had redownloaded the setup, and now it is running ¬¬

I dunno why the install had problems instantly...

I redownloaded, now it's working...

Thnks everyone!

The problem happened again...

I played for a while, and I quitted to change the mod. The game didn't open and now I can't install again...

To me (an idiot when it comes to stuff like this) it sounds like the problem isn't M&B, but the mod you downloaded. Try posting in the mod's thread in the Mod Discussion Forum.
Well... maybe the problem was solved:

I tried to closing the Mcafee antivirus shield and the ad-watch (from ad-aware), and the installation and the game runned perfectly.
I dunno if there are more incompatibilities, but if I have more info, I will post here.
Try re-activating the antivirus and running the game once its installed.

It could just be that it is blocking the setup process from altering the registry and similar, in which case it should work fine once the game is installed. If not, then it sounds as if McAfee or Ad-Aware doesn't like Themida.
Archonsod said:
Try re-activating the antivirus and running the game once its installed.

It could just be that it is blocking the setup process from altering the registry and similar, in which case it should work fine once the game is installed. If not, then it sounds as if McAfee or Ad-Aware doesn't like Themida.

The installation sometimes runs, sometimes doesn't. The problem simply appears suddenly...

I'm making some tests... if I have news, I will post here
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