Can't get fiefs as an important vasal

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I decided to join the Southern empire and help Rhagaea till the end. As of now, my clan is at tier 6 and has over 2000 influence points. After the ruler, I have the second largest army at 235 fighters. Ever since I received my 2nd fief (25 hours ago) my name hasn't come up in the elections, even if I capture the fief all by myself. There are always the same 3-4 clans that receive the fief, only to lose it immediately, because they are imbeciles. There are absolutely useless clans with more fiefs than I. When using my influence points to start a re-election of some fief, my name still doesn't show up. I have a positive relation with everybody in the Kingdom. What am I doing wrong?
There's a diplomacy mod that helps you out (Diplomacy Fixes - see This mod also allows you to claim fiefs for yourself if you were the one capturing them (leading the army / party only).

Other than that I share your experience: once the Southern Empire is winning wars (currently mine has a strength rating of 28.000 - the Khuzait have 12.000 like the Vlandians) it gets very hard to earn new fiefs since other fiefless clans get supported first. I "only" have two towns - yet they produce more than enough money to field an army of 500 plus the garrison of another 500 soldiers.
Always have my private army consisting of Ira + 2 companions with me.
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