Cant download?

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You need to download version .701 first, then download .702 and apply the new .exe to your game folder. In order to download these files just take the link that sends you to .632, delete the 632 and replace it with 701 or 702
when at the download page ... if it still shows version 0.632 for download ... push the F5 key to refresh your browser a few times. It should then show you version 0.701 for download.

Or ... you could just click here to download 0.701's Full version.

Or ... you could just click here to download 0.701's Patch version (if you have a previous install already on your PC).

Then ... you can click here to download the mount&blade.exe. This new .exe is the quick-fix (0.702) and should be placed in the mount&blade folder and over-write the previous .exe.

Hope that helps,

I'm having trouble downloading 0.701 as well, I downloaded .700 fine but not whenever I click to download I get a could not be found error.

clicking on the link above (which i notice leads to I also get a could not be found error.

What exactly is the address to download mount and blade?
Hmmm... well that download link fails to work for me on either IE or Firefox on this computer...

anyone know of any alternate sites where I could download the file?
Hmmm ... that is strange.

The links I made above are directly linked to the files themselves.

I don't know of any other place to download them at, either. Wish I could be more help. :sad:

Anyone else have any ideas about this?

narcissus, i had that first too, but when i tried again i could dl it...

kittyfighter, press: URL (website) and press url again (in the line message body)
Well after trying for ages to get the file to download yesterday, today just clicking on the link got the downlaod working perfectly first try... I'm at a loss to explain why it's suddenly working again, so to anyone else with this problem just be patient and try again later, and maybe it will work.

Edit: Actually I can only d'load the .com addressed files, not the .net versions but it's no biggy now I can finally download the new version
Why cant it just be simple...Go to download and get the game instantly? Ill all that crap you told me to...Once i got a couple hours of free time ill maybe do it.
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