Can't decide who I want to declare war on :(

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I decided that since I finally get used to playing again I would pick up my old save game.. And now I am bored seeing as how nobody wants to go to war with me :sad:

I could go to war with the Vaegirs, they are busy with a war with the Sultinate at the moment so would seem like an opportune time to attack however my territories along their borders do not have the strongest of garrisons yet, they also have a crapton of lords that are not following the campaign army to cause me a hassle.

The Sultinate is as was said at war with the Vaegirs, that could make them a fun target specially since they hold a few lands that border mine. They do however... frighten me. Allow me to explain, there are two major differences in this mod that I am playing an native. First being archers, they are downright murderous in this mod. Even with the heavies armor and best of shields they can drop you in 2-3 shots.. maybe 4 if you have maxed shield skill (mine is 7). Second is cavalry... Horses have been sped up, given a HP boost, and charge for quite a bit of damage. I took a hit from a saddle horse ridden by a bandit for 47 damage in my last fight  :shock: Because of this, and the sheer size of the Sultinate army (both in terms of lord parties and total lords) make them something not to be toyed with.

Rhodoks are also a tempting target, they hold lands that border mine (I hold all of the Swadian territories) and are constantly at war. However much like the Sultinate they have teeth, those sharpies are even deadlier than your top tier archer seeing as how their bolts can punch through your shield and they have a nasty tendency to find your eye.

Khergits... Horses + archers... need I say more?

Nords are gone so cant play with them.

Swadians I could declare war on but would only serve to end them. They hold no lands, have a few large lord parties (300+ troops) and a half dozen smaller ones (40-50). However I don't want to play with them because like I said, they hold no lands and I don't feel much like chasing a bunch of lords around just to finish off a faction that is broken.

Not saying that I don't want to go to war with any of them (well maybe the Sultinate a little...) just can't decide what kind of massacre I want...
go to war with the sultinate just have a bunch of archers to mow everyone down or get some horse archers.
You're going to have to come to grips with the Rhodoks eventually; may as well do it now before they have a chance to generate a zillion sergeants and sharpies in their castles.
agree wit Josie, since you didn't tweet their crossbow power up, might as well finish them before its too late (AI hesitate to take their castle once their fully upgraded, even with 1000+ army).
Crossbow power is upped as well. Archers as in Nord Vet archers, Vaegir marksmen, and whatever the hell the Khergits and Sultinate call theirs are the ones that drop you in 2-3 shots (sometimes 4). This usually assumes 1-2 shots to break the shield, the hit iself is generally around 70-80 damage so fairly unlikely to be survivable (this is through 75 body armor 95 leg 35 hands 95 head)

Crossbows are a whole nother beast entirely, they can 1hko you even with shield since they punch through it and often find your head... despite n early double the protection its not always enough thanks to the HS multiplier.  Rhodoks can be easilly defeated provided I can lure them away from their turf and use my heavy cav on them (horses move fast enough that they will only get one volly off) which is the same reason I don't want to war with the Sultinate as Zepperith suggested. I could go all archer but it wouldn't matter since the Mamluks would be on us before we could take them down.

I'll give it another week of ingame time (currently hunting down peasant women to make my little harem of sword sisters) to see if someone picks a fight or gives me reason.. If not then I guess Rhodoks it is.
Bobthehero said:

Why the hell would you have archers that can fell you in 2-3 hits?

Because its fun... Speeds up battles quite a bit too, first wave of reinforcements in sieges usually comes before the first guy to bite it hits the ground.

AWdeV said:
Just declare war on everyone and betray your liege. :razz: It's you against the world!

I am the king... Had more than enough games where I was fighting anyone and everyone no need to go lookin for that kind of fight before I am ready for it.
I started with Khergits, though it was mainly because I was their vassal, retook one of their cities from our enemies, and they wouldn't let me have it, so I defected. Jerks.

They were EXTREMELY annoying. Easy, for the most part. I think at one point I ended up taking out 800 of their guys who came to try to take my city away from me with like 100 of my guys (in the field, not siege - I suck at siege). For the most part they're easy to kill, very squishy, but the battles take 20 minutes too long because one random horse archer would be circling the entire battlefield and none of my guys could catch him.

I'm glad they're out of the way.

The next faction I want to take out is the Vaegirs. Mostly because they're at war with the Nords and Sultinate, and their land borders my land. I tried to siege one of their castles that had a 160-person garrison with my 130 army and a lord's 50 person army (well his army barely counts since they're all crappy low-tier units but whatever). They DECIMATED me. I had no idea what hit me. I managed to get Tulga from the Khergits when it had a ~300 person garrison with a similar army size as I have now, and we lost a good chunk of people but ultimately won by a large margin. The Vaegirs...I dunno. Their archers just destroyed us before we made it to the ladders. Should be an enjoyable campaign.
stealthycow said:
I managed to get Tulga from the Khergits when it had a ~300 person garrison with a similar army size as I have now, and we lost a good chunk of people but ultimately won by a large margin. The Vaegirs...I dunno. Their archers just destroyed us before we made it to the ladders. Should be an enjoyable campaign.

That's because the Khergits suck in sieges and the Vaegirs don't.  The Vaegirs aren't as hard as the Nords and Rhodoks, though!

A good way to deal with their pesky archers is to counter with the same.  Gather a bunch of archers or crossbowmen.  Place shielded infantry a little way from the castle/town, directly in front of your missile troops.  Then just let your ranged troops shoot the archers (and as many of the infantry as you can) off the walls.  The shields of your infantry should keep too many of your ranged troops from being killed.  When you run out of arrows or bolts, retreat and try again.  As a Khergit, you can accomplish this with Lancers instead of infantry, and horse archers instead of ranged foot troops.  Do this until you've killed off enough of their troops that you feel comfortable climbing the ladders and assaulting the castle/town.  Naturally, this works better with castles and towns that you only need ladders to besiege; constantly building siege towers would take too long and give allied lords a chance to break the siege.
TheSarranid said:
Sarranids or Rhodoks. All the Swadians will do is raid villages. And feast.  :mrgreen:

They couldn't feast they had no fiefs....

I ended up going to war with the Vaegirs, they made the decision not me.  I wanted to train up a few more huscarls before the next war and they decided to interrupt me.  Shortly after I gathered up a few of my lords who weren't busy following my marshal and I marched on Curaw the Swadians declared war, the war lasted less than a day then they just went extinct, I am guessing Harlaus was the last lord of Swadia on the map and was quickly spanked.

Just after a long and bloody war with the Vaegirs ended (they declared peace just after we took their last castle) the Khergits decided it was time to play... been busy chasing down minor lords ever since seeing as how the larger lords are marching around trying to take our capital (currently Dhirim) and being chased away by the marshal led army.
Better destroy as much as possible before the next patch rolls out and reintroduces the 1-man army bug yet again.
Not likely to affect me as I don't use steam and its crappy auto updates (dont give me the toggle option, it is not always a choice)

I am still on 1.143 and likely to stay there until they work out all of the kinks in the 1.15x patches.
annallia said:
Not likely to affect me as I don't use steam and its crappy auto updates (dont give me the toggle option, it is not always a choice)

I am still on 1.143 and likely to stay there until they work out all of the kinks in the 1.15x patches.
1.143 still has that bug though, I should know cause I've been playing that version for over a year :smile:
What exactly is the bug? You mean the lords of a faction spawning even though they dont have fiefs and only having themselves as a party? If that is it there is a text tweak that fixes it which I already have.
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