Hope it's not too late to add a comment on this thread.
I'd like myself a couple of features implemented.
Some tents/pavillions instead of a smallish chest would be nice.
They might get larger with Inventory Management skill, or we could buy a larger container, or they could be defined by actual inventory contents.
I'd also like horses to be stored under a different slot.
They take up space, and I can't access them during combat.
It would make sense if some or all spawned near the chest/camp.
It would also be nice to modify the in-combat inventory screen.
Squires and attendants, ready to hand over replacement shields and quivers would make sense, so 1-sec equipment change is a minor issue.
Since armours don't wear out, AFAIK, changing them in-combat is of no help, [except to remove the stuck arrows...] but it still feels funny we are allowed to remove it in a matter of secs.
Also, the whole equipment slots thing doesn't convince me; I don't know how encumbrance is being calculated under current code.
I'd like to see an unlimited amount of slots, and speed being affected by actual weight and encumbrance, maybe modified by Inventory Management skill, so as to lick speed malus on overland movement.
Also, it wouldn't hurt if some weapons took more or less than one slot.
I could carry four pikes along, if I wanted to, but I can't bring a lance, a sword, a shield, AND a bow with quiver, along.
I bet other ppl complained about this one.