campaige mode

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Can mount&blade have a campaige mode? thee can be 2 campaiges, one as the vaegirs and the other as swadians, you are given orders to fight for a warparty for a day, or scout.
would this be good, instead of the normal moce around do what you wish mode.
I guess M&B would be better having a story, but we dont need to make it a campaign, do it just like Arcanum. Free roam, and you can follow the story at any time.

Btw, a similar mode would be like an instant action thing. You play a foot soldier and battle for your side. Stuff like that.
do they speak english in where ever theres a donut shop?because there is not donuts in turkey :grin:
camaige mode, so you can choose between free play, vaegirs or swadians. Cause theres exact meaning of winning is this game, theres no set goal or aim. And i thought it would be fun to play as or in a vaegir or swadian party where you start off as a footman and upgrade to what ever you want and at the end you are given a party to try and conquer the other faction.
its a tough question there because, its the kind of game that could easily fall in the same state as morrowind : you want a story AND freedom which ends up making the user totally not involved in the story because of his freedom and not quite in his freedom, trying to figure out the story... I suggest a secondary mode as well so that one would be freedom of roaming the world, and the other would be somewhat closer to linear gameplay. Linear storylines don't suck when they're well done. I know little about Vaegirs and Swadians so far (just what you all know, vaegirs are the opressed people who were made into swadian legions and etc etc) but there is probably a good thing to make out of it!
I don't think that a linear storyline* would be good for M&B. Though, more depth to the faction quests, instead, would be much more interesting. For example, the player would be given different (harder?) quests once he achieves higher ranks in the faction royality. These would actually have consequences in-game. Quests for town capturing or noblemen killed, for example. It would add so much to the game if the NPCs (all of them, that includes Borcha, Marnid, the kings and the counts names) would be all randomly generated at the start of a game. There could be quests for assassinating/capturing counts or whoever, and they'd be replaced by another by their faction.

* If you examine the units and conversations files carefully, it seems that the developers had a storyline in mind that involved some girl, necromancers, knights and the like that for some reason was left out of the native mod.
The word campaign is misunderstood i think.
Campaign, as in linear single play games was taken into consideration; while what actually meant was something different (or it is i that misunderstood).

I think there are a few topics on this already, its a war-campaign of a nation. Depending on your rank, you take different missions, starting from fighting small bands and later going for leading war parties..

If sieges were possible, random command&conquer quests would add alot of variety. Leading troops to various cities, attacking, defending.. Or being just a grunt.. Well they were all mentioned before i guess.
I don't see why the game needs to be linear to conquer cities. Sid Meier's Pirates! lets you conquer cities, and its hardly linear.

Perhaps follow a similar vein. Rather than a story, just make it possible to wipe out one faction or the other (or both) by taking all of their cities.
Or how about they have heroes (or maybe just troops) that come around and capture your cities as well, and that way it would be tougher than just running around and capturing everything until you've won.

And you could train units and then garrison them for defense...

And you could give orders to other heroes or parties on the map to defend or attack cities...

And it would be sweet.

And it would be sweet.
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