Camera Error!

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Knight at Arms
Ello, I've been working with a Mod for a while. Currently I'm using the native map. I tried editting the Mod's Map with Thorgrim's Map Editor, and since then, my camera starts in the Ocean near the Nord and Vaegir territory.  I can't move toward the mainland, and I'm stuck there in the ocean.

I've heard that Module.ini is sometimes messed up, so I took a look at the camera values in there and everything is fine.  I tried replacing the Map.txt with the Native Map.txt, no luck there either.*****ycamera.gif

Anyone know what's wrong?

edit: I guess I should note that I'm using the Python Module System, and this is the first time I've tried using TME with it
Don't believe I moved it mate.

Current X-Y for Main Party in module_parties: (17, 52.5)

I chucked the old Native map back in, so the terrain should all be back to normal.

Thanks for the link.  I had no idea that existed. I was wondering how people were getting around that issue :oops:

Just opened it up again in Map Editor, and there is a huge yellow divider running the full length of the map horizontally.  I have absolutely no idea what it is or how it got there, but It wasn't there before.
check this, hope it works for you. character causing trouble, had that several times, seemed like it just ignored the changes I saved:,60949.msg1644770.html#msg1644770
That was helpful, thanks for posting sir.

However, I dunno if it worked, because now I get a new error.

I have apparently deeply offended the Modding Gods.
Bump.  Not really sure about the bumping rules here, read the rules, couldn't find anything about it.  Tell me if I'm wrong in bumping.

edit: figured out some more stuff about the Yellow barriers.  Looked it up, apparently its some sort of old camera-limiting system, and people have previously had this problem.  Thing is, I can't find anything on how they actually solved it.  Most of the replies said to simply edit the X and Y values for the map, but I've had no luck with that.  Still no more information on the Texture error.

edit: Well...the Texture Copy Thing stopped appearing.  Didn't change anything even  :sad:
There is nothing magical about the yellow barriers, and it's not an old left over either. It's supposed to be there and be used.
The yellow barriers should form a box, and you can only move the camera within it.
If you have pushed the them aside thinking it was "some sort of old camera-limiting system", then that's obviously your problem.
errr....well I actually have no idea how to manipulate them, and I hadn't seen them before this incident.  They form a three sided box at the moment.  Making them into a box should help then right?

edit: Alright, they form a box now.  They're in the center of the map, and surround a very small area at the moment.  Are the meant to encompass the whole map?*****ycamera.gif
:oops: I've been attempting to drag the yellow boxy things, okay, that works then.  Mm, every once in a while, the yellow box will just decide it wants to be way in the middle again, like in the pic.  Anyone know what's causing that?

Thanks for the help everyone btw
I don't know if you've altered the way main_party spawns at the start of a game, but they spawn near training grounds, randomly cycling through which training ground you will spawn at.  All the training grounds will have to be inside the yellow box.

I'm not sure if that will help, because I can't quite get my head around what's happening with the yellow things, but it's worth a try.  Just use map editor to put all the training grounds somewhere inside the yellow barriers.

Oh, wait - the yellow box is stopping camera movement IN the map editor?  You'll just have to push them out till they form a large box encompassing the whole map, and hope for the best.
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