Alpha in Construction - No Alpha Release Date ATM
History - If have some english error, please PM me with it....
Factions will be -
Troop Tree
Steel Brotherhood -
Democracy Order of Jelkala -
South Imperialists -
Erin Kingdom -
Dark Knighthood -
Bandit Troop Tree
Manhunter Troop Tree -
Mercenarie Troop Tree Male -
Female Mercenarie Troop Tree -
Special Troops
Leaders of Factions -
Crappy Intent Map
ToDo List -
If you can help, i want
Actually, im only add the OSP Itens
History - If have some english error, please PM me with it....
Calradia, the good old continent, was being at war for like 200 years.
The Swadia and the Vaegir kingdom was broken down.
The rebel population of the Rhodoks, was in rebellion, and they broke down too, so the Bandits have took away the cities and castles.
The Khergits went away, slaughered by the Nords.
The Nords, went back to home, after a very bad colonisation campaign.
New people came to Calradia.
Calradia was in change times.
Graveth II, son of King Graveth of the Rhodoks, have build up to yourself a good reputation, and with a large army, conquered Jelkala from the Bandits and estabilished order. And he promoved Democracy for Rhodoks.
Erin, son of Eran, have came to Calradia in 1260 and conquered Rivacheg and near towns and cities. He built up a new Monarchy at the Old Vaegir's Territory, and the people went in a rebellion against Yaroglek. Yaroglek is dead. The new King Erin took his place and founded Kingdom of Erin.
When the Nords came to their Motherland, a new faction was there. The Steel Brotherhood. They fighted for 3 years and High Brother Krieg, leader of the brotherhood, came to Calradia with some Brothers and they saw the Nords Cities and castles without leadership. So, they started with Chalbek Castle, and soon they reached Wercheg, dominating completly the Nord Territory.
When the Nords defeated the Khergit Khanate in 1261, Sanjar were killed by Ragnar in Tulga, in a public execution, and Asugan, the last lord, ran off Calradia by the Mountains. And in 1264, Hegen, son of Sanjar, was the Khan at Khergit Motherland, and he came to Calradia to Start again Khergits Invasion, but when he reached Narra, he saw the Nords troops going to their homes, leaving all the cities without life. And walls. So, he meet one of the Old Rhodoks Lord, and he helped him to build up his mind to build a kingdom here. And he accepted, being the Imperator of New Khergits.
Oh! And what happened to the Swadians???
Well... no one knows.
When the nords were going back to home, their passed by Swadians Territory. But no one was there. No one.
When Olaf, the Nord Marshall, reached Dhirim as least checkpoint, he saw shadows.
He tought it was ghosts, but at Morning... they was attacked by these shadows.
They were the Mightful Black Knights, but... with a commander... Daquan.
Daquan in like minutes defeated Olaf, sending him naked in a dark horse, with a mail to Wercheg.
Later, in 1264, caravans passed by Swadian Territory and saw only black. Black, black and black.
Dark Peasants, Dark Caravans, Dark Walls....
This was the start of a bloody war.
Calradia, the good old continent, was being at war for like 200 years.
The Swadia and the Vaegir kingdom was broken down.
The rebel population of the Rhodoks, was in rebellion, and they broke down too, so the Bandits have took away the cities and castles.
The Khergits went away, slaughered by the Nords.
The Nords, went back to home, after a very bad colonisation campaign.
New people came to Calradia.
Calradia was in change times.
Graveth II, son of King Graveth of the Rhodoks, have build up to yourself a good reputation, and with a large army, conquered Jelkala from the Bandits and estabilished order. And he promoved Democracy for Rhodoks.
Erin, son of Eran, have came to Calradia in 1260 and conquered Rivacheg and near towns and cities. He built up a new Monarchy at the Old Vaegir's Territory, and the people went in a rebellion against Yaroglek. Yaroglek is dead. The new King Erin took his place and founded Kingdom of Erin.
When the Nords came to their Motherland, a new faction was there. The Steel Brotherhood. They fighted for 3 years and High Brother Krieg, leader of the brotherhood, came to Calradia with some Brothers and they saw the Nords Cities and castles without leadership. So, they started with Chalbek Castle, and soon they reached Wercheg, dominating completly the Nord Territory.
When the Nords defeated the Khergit Khanate in 1261, Sanjar were killed by Ragnar in Tulga, in a public execution, and Asugan, the last lord, ran off Calradia by the Mountains. And in 1264, Hegen, son of Sanjar, was the Khan at Khergit Motherland, and he came to Calradia to Start again Khergits Invasion, but when he reached Narra, he saw the Nords troops going to their homes, leaving all the cities without life. And walls. So, he meet one of the Old Rhodoks Lord, and he helped him to build up his mind to build a kingdom here. And he accepted, being the Imperator of New Khergits.
Oh! And what happened to the Swadians???
Well... no one knows.
When the nords were going back to home, their passed by Swadians Territory. But no one was there. No one.
When Olaf, the Nord Marshall, reached Dhirim as least checkpoint, he saw shadows.
He tought it was ghosts, but at Morning... they was attacked by these shadows.
They were the Mightful Black Knights, but... with a commander... Daquan.
Daquan in like minutes defeated Olaf, sending him naked in a dark horse, with a mail to Wercheg.
Later, in 1264, caravans passed by Swadian Territory and saw only black. Black, black and black.
Dark Peasants, Dark Caravans, Dark Walls....
This was the start of a bloody war.
Factions will be -
Dark Knighthood ( Swadia ) - Only horseman
Steel Brotherhood ( Nords ) - Only footman and with at max Throwing Axes
Erin Kingdom ( Vaegirs ) - No Horsemans, very skilled at range - Throw, Crossbow, Bow and Fireweapon
Democracy Order of Jelkala ( Rhodoks ) - Light Horseman with Crossbow, Powerful Footman with Spears & Some can be with Crossbow
South Imperialists ( Khergits ) - Only light-medium horsemans, the Rangedhorsemans will have only blunt weapons
Steel Brotherhood ( Nords ) - Only footman and with at max Throwing Axes
Erin Kingdom ( Vaegirs ) - No Horsemans, very skilled at range - Throw, Crossbow, Bow and Fireweapon
Democracy Order of Jelkala ( Rhodoks ) - Light Horseman with Crossbow, Powerful Footman with Spears & Some can be with Crossbow
South Imperialists ( Khergits ) - Only light-medium horsemans, the Rangedhorsemans will have only blunt weapons
Troop Tree
* for mounted ~ for ranged
Steel Brotherhood -
Swordman - Axe-Runner - Beserker
- Steel Footman - Steel Warrior - Veteran Steel Warrior - Steel Brother - Melee Master
- Steel Footman - Steel Warrior - Veteran Steel Warrior - Steel Brother - Melee Master
Democracy Order of Jelkala -
Peasant - Mounted Crossbowman*~ - Veteran Mounted Crossbowman*~ - Elite Mounted Crossbowman*~ - Dragooner*~
- Conscripted Troop - Jelkala Footman - Jelkala Guardian - Guardian of Jelkala
I am not marking Conscripted Troop ~ Guardian of Jelkala how Ranged because they CAN be with Crossbow
- Conscripted Troop - Jelkala Footman - Jelkala Guardian - Guardian of Jelkala
I am not marking Conscripted Troop ~ Guardian of Jelkala how Ranged because they CAN be with Crossbow
South Imperialists -
Southman* - Elite Southman* - South Horseman* - Imperial Guardian *
- Light Ranged Horseman*~ - Mangudai *~
- Light Ranged Horseman*~ - Mangudai *~
Erin Kingdom -
Erin Subordinate - Erin Footman - Erin Rangedman~ - Elite Erin Rangedman~ - Rangedmaster ~
- Erin Warrior - Erin Infantry - Sargeant
- Erin Guard~ - Knight of Erin ~
- Erin Warrior - Erin Infantry - Sargeant
- Erin Guard~ - Knight of Erin ~
Dark Knighthood -
Adept* - Dark Militia* - Dark Squire* - Dark Knight* - Knight Master*
- Dark Lancer*
- Dark Lancer*
Bandit Troop Tree
Apprentice Thief - Mountain Tribesman ( Looters - Mountain - Forest Bandits )
- Forest Raiders
Pirate ( Sea Raider )
Rebel Imperialist ( Steppe Bandit )
Aggresive Thug ( Bandit ) - Mounted Thug ( Brigand )
- Forest Raiders
Pirate ( Sea Raider )
Rebel Imperialist ( Steppe Bandit )
Aggresive Thug ( Bandit ) - Mounted Thug ( Brigand )
Manhunter Troop Tree -
Zendar Guard - Zendar Elite Guard - Zendar Protector - Zendar Guardian - Zendar Knight
Will edit the Manhunters to Medium Horsemans
Will edit the Manhunters to Medium Horsemans
Mercenarie Troop Tree Male -
Farmer or Townsman - Mercenary - Caravan Protector - Mounted Mercenary - Mercenary Knight
| - Infantry Mercenary - Mercenary Sargeant
- Crossbowman
Will edit the equipaments too
| - Infantry Mercenary - Mercenary Sargeant
- Crossbowman
Will edit the equipaments too
Female Mercenarie Troop Tree -
In construction
Special Troops
Swordman is now Panzer - a Unamoured, maybe can be with a helm, with big weapons. like 130 hp =D and run like a bish
Maceman now is Ironbreaker - Fushing defensive heavly armored unit with like 100 hp and uses lances as weapons. don run fast...
Archer is now Tourneyman - Lvl15 Units that have Tourney Armors as Armors and can have any weapons.
Tourneyman - Panzer ( lvl80 )
- Ironbreaker ( lvl80 )
You will find them under custody of the mighty
Gonshu Army ( Sea Raiders )
With a mighty leader, Captain of Gonshu Army ( lvl80 char ) and a 55~120 party of one the best units at game - Gonshu Warrior, and 0~15 Gonshu Officer, a lvl 70 unit with the best equipaments.
Gonshu Warrior - Gonshu Officer - Captain of Gonshu Army
And, now he have with the deserters, Persuaders, armed with good weapons and armors, deserters party now with at least 75 units.
Elite units.
Maceman now is Ironbreaker - Fushing defensive heavly armored unit with like 100 hp and uses lances as weapons. don run fast...
Archer is now Tourneyman - Lvl15 Units that have Tourney Armors as Armors and can have any weapons.
Tourneyman - Panzer ( lvl80 )
- Ironbreaker ( lvl80 )
You will find them under custody of the mighty
Gonshu Army ( Sea Raiders )
With a mighty leader, Captain of Gonshu Army ( lvl80 char ) and a 55~120 party of one the best units at game - Gonshu Warrior, and 0~15 Gonshu Officer, a lvl 70 unit with the best equipaments.
Gonshu Warrior - Gonshu Officer - Captain of Gonshu Army
And, now he have with the deserters, Persuaders, armed with good weapons and armors, deserters party now with at least 75 units.
Elite units.
Leaders of Factions -
Dark Knighthood - Dark Master Daquan
Steel Brotherhood - High Brother Krieg
South Imperialists - Hegen the Imperialist
Democracy Order of Jelkala - War Advisor Graveth
Erin Kingdom - King Erin
Steel Brotherhood - High Brother Krieg
South Imperialists - Hegen the Imperialist
Democracy Order of Jelkala - War Advisor Graveth
Erin Kingdom - King Erin
Crappy Intent Map
ToDo List -
Add Scripts - Doing ATM
Make new map - Other Version
Edit Lords - Doing ATM
Add new Itens - Requesting permission
Other Things - Seeing what will need ^^
Make new map - Other Version
Edit Lords - Doing ATM
Add new Itens - Requesting permission
Other Things - Seeing what will need ^^
If you can help, i want
Everyone can help if want ^^