Calling a Campaign- what does this do?

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My kingdom has 31 Lords, many of them with relations above 70 and 80.  I called a campaign and after at least a week only 2 Lords have shown up to follow me, and one of them keeps wandering off to travel to another castle before returning a few days later.  What is the purpose of calling a campaign if it doesn't make everyone gather with urgency?  If I were a Lord and a marshall called me to a campaign, the **** would hit the fan if I sat in my castle for 16 days and didn't move.  These Lords should be worried about losing friendship with ME.  I'd take away their holdings as punishment if I thought it would cause their algorithms some grief.
Ya I've had this problem too. Only about 3 lords show up and do exactly what you said. How I fix this? I just go make my own kingdom and kill and or capture everyone and take over every city. But I'm sure you won't do that. So, on some mods not sure if you have a mod that does have this option ( plus I forgot which mods do have it but I know that some do) but if you do you can talk to them and just tell them to go patrol around a city or village that is close to the enemy city and when they get there just tell them to follow you or just to stay put near the city so when you need to fight they will be near you and will hopefully help you. However in some cases I've had about 2 other lords and their armies following me and I went to go fight a enemy lord, when I was charging at them I noticed that my allies weren't with me! So I just renounced my allegiance and killed them all!  :twisted: I hope this helps you.
This is Native behaviour, but SD worked on it and it is much better in 2.0 i think. The problem is that lords like to chase something even if they shouldn't do that ATM. So lets say you're in Pointsbruk and call a Campaign... First not all Lords do reply to that, dunno why, the Lords who will have to Travel to your Location but there are so many shiny things on the way...

Most times i just gather some Lords myself, its easier then waiting some days for them.
Heh... those guys are like ferrets on crack.  They really DO start out for your position.  But they chase every bandit on the way... get into fights with other lords... and generally take a month to get there.

The best way to gather lords is to just go get them.  Tell them to follow you. And then try to avoid bandits on the way to whatever you are trying to step on.


The only times I've ever had luck with campaigns was by both calling one and going out rounding up lords myself.  Gather the mob, then call the campaign once we've collected everyone.  That way the instant the campaign starts, they're all in follow the campaign leader mode instead of travel mode.  I suspect the root issue is that there's no difference in the AI routines for traveling across the map to join a campaign and traveling across the map 'cuz the AI is bored.  Once they're in follow the leader mode, they have better less bad concentration.
I usually start looking around where the lords I want to have are, round them up and send them to the closest border town, then call them to either follow me or start a campaign. Still it´s like herding a sack of flea´s.
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