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Well, i dunno what im gonna do with this helm, im thinkin about starting a Kettle helm, basiclly a spangen with a brinm on it and without the occular.

I might start some gothic spaulders, who knows :grin:
I guess so

I had these patterns for a greathelm lyin around, dont remeber where i got them

So i traced the patterns onto the sheet metal, and asked my buddy with a plasma cutter to cut it out. After it was cut out i filed the edges so it wasnt so bad

Then i took my pieces and went to the shed. All i had was 2 hammers and my buddy let me use the shop hammers. 3 pieces of different sized RR track, work wonders as an anvil.

Since this metal was so thin (18 guage) i decided to use a rubber malled for the shaping, i would prefer a rawhide mallet but i didnt have one handy. So i shaped it the best i could (patterns were a bit off on the top piece, thats why there is such o big gap between the top and bottom pieces) the i asked my friend to tack weld it together, just to hold it together. Looked ok, so i told him to welld it all up. (nice guy)

Since this was zinc coated mild steel sheet metal, when he was welding these tufts of toxic zinc were in the air. so i wore the white mask those doctors wear. DO NOT BREATHE THESE, YOU WILL GET EXTREMELY SICK

after it was all welded i dicideded to get rid of that zinc coating as best i could. (the cross pieces still have the zinc on it) so i took the wire whell to it

And i realises that it had to center ridge, now this can be a sharp flute or a blunt one like mine is. i used my special ball pien to do this, thus leaving hammer marks, i planished those out best i could

I have now just cut out those cross pieces and i want to blacken them and polish my helm. Normally i would balcjen them by heating them up to glowing red then spray them with WD40, but since we are gonna drill a hole in the helm and weld from the inside its gonna ruin the blackening alot, se we are gonna rattle can it when its on there.

After that i have to pad it, havent figured out what im gonna do for that yet.

I hang around a bike shop, and i was allowed to use the back shed for my armouring uses, as long as i shut the door and clean up. My buddy who welded my helm and cut it out is actually rtedcat on this forum
Nice, I'm getting into weapon-smithing (getting funds to biuld a forge at the moment) myself. Just wondering, did you actually heat up the metal and beat it into place and weld pieces of it togethor, or did you beat out the shapes on thinner metal?
Nope, no hot working, mnost the armour done today is done cold. i could have done it hot but i would have probly burnt myself


The helm is now balckened and the cross pieces are kind of polished

Will post pics probly tomorrow (hopefully)

i did the blackening by grinding off all that zinc crap, then i wiped WD40 all ofver the helm, every outside inch, then i took it to the weed burner and blackened it, its not all the great because i didnt eliminate all the zinc (i hate that crap)

Neat stuff. Can't wait to see the blackened version. Gonna put some air holes in? Looks a little stuffy. How well do you think it would take a hit?

Also, I speak with no experience, but I'd think a motorcycle (or even heavy-duty bicycle) helmet liner would work, padding on top and sides, rivet the straps on...

defn'atly keep us posted :cool:
yea, im gonna put some air holes

Wouldnt take a hit very well, its thin metal, the next helm i make with probly be 14 gauge instead of 18. Maybe for light swordplay but nothing more than that
Ah,Kniggit - my old nemesis.

I see you're gearing up for war again? Well, you'll not find us completely unprepared this time.

We're ready.
Buahahahaha, thy horse and they bow shall not save thee this time knave. prepare for thy demise, thou art arent worthy to be a speck of dirty on my dirty shoe, tis war! WAR!

:wink: :lol:
Good work, nice to know there are fellow armourers on these forums. did you make your own pattern or download one?

When i was little mom ardered this paper armour kit. It was too hard to it got shelfed, we were clening house and i found it, i thought the greathelm patterns would work, and they did, after modifactions.

If it weren't for the honor of the thing, I'd rather have cash. Anyway, we're in good company here.

Yea, i would happily give up the forums for money, and spend my time playin M&B. but i gotta keep this place in line! :wink:

I'm gonna go pound on more stuff

If you really wanna get into Armouring, check out this site:

And here:
im a member of the AA and im familir with Arador :lol: I'm aso Kniggit on the archives, havent been really posting there as much, im actually armouring and contributing here

hehe. I was going to vouch for you, but I got caught up taking the pictures I just put up. :lol:

I just finished a Holy Water Sprinkler, also known as a Danish Mace. English women were supposed to have plotted together and used these things to kill all the Danes in England in one night -which was said to be the only secret English weomen ever kept. :razz:
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