Buying Serial-Key Problem

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Hello, I just tried buying a serial from esellarete, I put all the information that was required and i then pressed the proceed to checkout and all that came up was the same screen minus the credit card information section on the bottom of the page and the shopping cart stuff near the top. I have waited a while and no serial key or anything popped up, so i checked my email and there wasnt anything from esselerate. So how do I get my serial key or did I do something wrong, I dont want to end up with 2 charges.
First: Where are you from? Second: What kind of credit card did you try to use?

When you successfully buy the serial from eSellerate you will be taken into a receipt page where your serial is shown (you also get the email etc.).

If you tried to use Visa Electron it might be necessary to activate online paying ("Verified by Visa"). It can usually be activated from your banks web site. If not, then you might have to go to your bank and ask them to activate it for you.

If you are from Finland and tried to use Nordea's Visa Electron, then you need to activate online payment from the website and then use your next unused Solo-number (it's still usable for other solo stuff though) instead of CSC (Card Security Code) when buying the game.

When using Visa Electron it might be possible to be charged with extra "reservations" of the price (it says in your bank account that the money is reserved for eSeller or whatever it showed up as) if there was some problem with the ordering, but you will only be billed for a successful order (the extra reservations, if any, will dissappear after some time or you can contact your bank and ask them to remove them).

Sorry for this long post (especially if it doesn't help you), but this is what giving too little information when asking help gets you. :wink:
Well, I think I figured out what was wrong. For some reason when I tried using Microsoft Internet Explorer it didnt work but I tried it on Firefox and I got to the receipt page. Weird... :neutral: Thanks for the help anywho :wink:
hello i can't buy the game i write everything correct but i can't buy it.Ýt says we cannot process your credit card.but my card is mastercard i wrote my card number and security code but it did not work and what is expiration date.please help!
hello i can't buy the game i write everything correct but i can't buy it.Ýt says we cannot process your credit card.but my card is mastercard i wrote my card number and security code but it did not work and what is expiration date.please help!

I'm having same problem, I've used three different cards and none of them are processing, is it the site orrr? I'm so confused.. After that firefox testimony i think I'll download that and see if that makes a difference, will reply if it does. Thanks.
I did the purchase and all it showed me was the "now processing"screen,and the it went back to the initial purchase page,did the transaction go through?I didn't get a reciept page or an email,I don't want to pay double,so what to do???
If you didn't get a receipt I would assume it didn't go through.

You could check with your bank. Or wait for the E-mail. If it hasn't arrived within 24 hours its usually safe to assume the order wasn't processed.
don't read what i write at was on 5 august so it has a while :smile: anyway try paypal.some banks is finding esellerate unsafe(hope i write correct) :wink:
Thanks,but I got my serial.I've already started making a little add-on for network play.I don't know if the will have it.
sharp_spike said:
hello i can't buy the game i write everything correct but i can't buy it.Ýt says we cannot process your credit card.but my card is mastercard i wrote my card number and security code but it did not work and what is expiration date.please help!

Sharp spike, you already have your own thread on your problem. posting it in other peoples and de-railing the thread is helping nobody, you included.

AND the same goes for all of you. if its not on topic with that persons problem then why are posting it.

In reply the origonal post:
Check and make sure its not in your Spam emails folder or is being blocked. Some automated messages can end up in there by mistake
TG said:
If you tried to use Visa Electron it might be necessary to activate online paying ("Verified by Visa"). It can usually be activated from your banks web site. If not, then you might have to go to your bank and ask them to activate it for you.

If you are from Finland and tried to use Nordea's Visa Electron, then you need to activate online payment from the website and then use your next unused Solo-number (it's still usable for other solo stuff though) instead of CSC (Card Security Code) when buying the game.

That still does not work :sad:

I'm from Finland and I tried to use Nordea's Visa Electron and I have activated online payment. If I use CSC where it's supposed to I get an error after checkout that says CSC is incorrect. If I use Solo-number as TG adviced I don't even get to checkout because the number of digits is wrong (CSC has 3 and Solo-number has 4). How come it worked with your Solo-number TG?
Yes, thats what I meant with "I have activated online payment" in my first post. When did you buy M&B? If it since several months ago the system may have changed (not allowing 4 digit CSC for Visa electron).
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