Buying game not working

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hi this is my first post but i tried to buy mount and blade that worked but the serial key dosent it keeps saying i need internet connection but it tried that and it didnt work either so do yous know what to do
Welcome to the forums, Slayer. :smile:

Several people have run into issues similar to this.

Please try and replace .com with .net and see if that might resolve the issue. People seem to be having trouble with one or the other ... hopefully that will work for you.

The address will be either or

Hope that works for you and hope to see you around,

No I tried your 0.704 version but theres barley any money but any way could you put the 0.612 full on to download I dont mind if you dont.
Sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying there.

You didn't get your registration key to work?

I'm also confused about the comment about barely any money in version 0.704. Are you talking about the money that you earn from things? If so ... nearly everything has been cut in price to a very similar degree when compared to the older versions.

I apologize for not understanding what exactly it was that you meant,

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, but to be truthful ... I'm thinking that it is an internet connection problem rather than the activation server.

The reason I think so, is because other people are buying and activating their game without problems.

Are you running any kind of firewall program, perhaps? Archonsod might be able to help more than I can ... I hope he gets on and sees this soon. :razz:

If you can't figure it out yourself, or if Archonsod or Armagan doesn't show up pretty soon ... I would suggest e-mailing Armagan. [email protected]

I had a similar issue, Normal activation nor Manual worked. (not a issue anymore but).

Try going to, but use It worked for me :smile:
Is this sorted yet then?

Slayer - Try running through a manual activation and see what happens. You'll need to click manual activation, then note down the hardware hash number it gives you.

You then need to go to the activation website. Either


Put in the hardware hash and your serial number, and you'll get a huge activation code. Note this down, close down your browser and run M&B.
Select manual activation, and enter the activation code. It should then activate the game (the splash screen will display "Mount and Blade is running in full mode).
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