Buy Game using PayPal?

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I'm pretty sure this post should go in the Customer Support forum. But anyway:

There two ways that I know of to buy M&B.
The first one is through the primary site that needs a credit card number in which the price will be debted.
The second one is through paypal. You get a paypal account and, once your paypal account has money, you can send it to [email protected] (check this twice, can't remember for sure). However, to put money into your paypal account you need a credit card number. :smile:

So I guess you need a credit card to buy M&B.
Some say it can be done with a debit card, I know nothing about it.
Oh ok, thks guys to clear the thing out.

And sorry that posted in wrong part of forum.
yes, we need a credit card to buy M&B. even if we use PayPal we must have a credit card number or we can transfer money from the bank account using debit card (only for certain countries and certain debit cards kinds). and here we come to my problem. i do not have a credit card or debit card accepted by the PayPal. but i have bank accounts.

that is why i am looking for someone who could buy the key for me - of course, i will return the cost of it including all the additional costs (commission for example).

please, i really need your help coz simply i have no other options.

best regards

no need to dredge up multiple ancient posts vaguely related to your current problem; one will do  -Janus
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