INT Native Duel Busby Redemption Duel Tournament - 160$ Prize Pool

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60 players have now signed up. 4 more slots to fill. Brackets will be released as soon as we have the desired number of players, and the first deadline will be posted.
Looks like a full house of 64 players. Thank you all for signing up. I will be working on the brackets and releasing them tonight on this post. I will try and contact the players i have on my friends list when it goes live. Sign-ups are still possible for the reserve list. I dont know ONeils time limit so an extra reserve would solve issues.

Round 1 is 1st seed vs 4th seed (top of the group vs bottom of the group) & 2nd seed vs 3rd seed (second from the top of the group vs third from the top of the group). The Deadline for this week is the 28th March. The contact details for every player are on the front page (tommorow from this post going live); it is your responsibility to add your opponent and complete your duel. 2 players from each group will go through after all group duels are completed.
Remember screenshots of the fights for proof of completion and result. Post the score of the FT7 and your opponent on this thread.

Again thank you to Gibby AND fietta :smile: for formulating this piece.

Good luck to all of you!
I have triumphed against the mighty warrior Kane of Tihr.
Our battle was legendary

P.S: Score is 7-2 and no we didn't play with full armor
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