Copyright MUST be protected!
Ryuta said:I don't think it's copyright breaching but I think the original website could breaching copyrighting.
These illustration are from a book. I forgot who wrote but he also wrote '100 use of dead cats' and maybe more.
Copyright MUST be protected!
BUUnniEzzz.. .KEEelle.. KILllll keep pbunnise.... murder... death torture sacrifice kill bunnies nnuunnieiezzz keeell saack blaad skiil bunniez buniez kille murder torture torture killl bunnies nuniies keelllll murder... weehehehee bunniess bwahahahahaha woohooooo bunniesss kieellll lwohooeeheheee castrate torture castrate bunnies killl moruder kieelll jeeeebunnieez whahahaah behahaha keepp haha bunniez heheh whooaahaha buuniiezz heeeppplll suicide bunniez rabbits hehehe suicide castrate unniezz keelelll must keeell bwahahahahahaha weehheheheh BWAHAHAHA keeeppppll buniiiiezzzz ziii must torture bunnies keell allll bunnies hahaha keel all wabahahahah bunniez toture keell alll bunies sacrifice torture keep blaad gore kill muyrder bunniez suicide death death bunnies keel bunnies fwahahaha must kill bunnes all kieell sack torture blaaad bkioood keel bunniez all kill bwahahaha hehe bwahah murder all keeel bunniezz rabbites deadh die die bwahahaha keepl all *bzzzzzt*....................................
Ryuta said:The problem is, it prevents future customers to buy the book. It also doesn't contain the sourse info. One or two pics with auther's name/ book's name would be fine. But puttint an entire book is too much (As far as I know it's a crime). If you can see in web, why do you bother to buy it?
By the way the auther made the second book 'Bunny Suicide 2'.