Build order

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With the plethera of options available to build after conquering a fief in this mod, I was curious as to what others have on their first-to-build list after occupying a new castle or town.  What do you build in what order, and why?

In my most recent games, I've built my troop upgrade buildings to get off my reliance on merc troops, which are both expensive and inferior (depending on your faction). After that, it's usually a mix of economic/faith boosting. The hard one for me is deciding when to build my knight chapter; its 40-some odd day requirement puts me in a squeeze as to when to put it in.
My last character was a master engineer so I didn't need much time but I usually upgraded depending on the effect:
[list type=decimal]
[*]increased relations
[*]increased faith
[*]increased wealth
[list type=decimal]
[*]important troops (depending on faction)
[*]increased faith
[*]knight chapter
[list type=decimal]
[*]base troops
[*]increased faith
[*]increased wealth
The military upgrade depended on the troops I could muster, culture with good infantry get infantry first and so on. I did the knight chapters after faith because I preferred to use base troops but that depends, in Undead Invasion I used an army of Paladins (that war lasted 7 days until my total victory :mrgreen:)
what I always do before I build my 30+ day buildings is alone (or with companions) I travel across all of Calradia until I find Artimeer. Then I level him up (and other comapnions) until he has at least engineering 5. Knight chapter take me 26 days with engineering 7 I think.
I tend to upgrade the engineering of my own character (say, to level 4 or 5).  Sometimes I use Bunduk.

I tend to make buildings based on the time it takes, and the needs at that time.  If I'm low on troops, then barracks and ranges are top priorities.  If I've got those, then temple/shrine/monastery are next, because the sooner my faith is high, the sooner I'll get faith troops.

Obviously I need those blasted knight chapters, and those rise in priority as time goes by, because I'll have the other basic needs taken care of, and there's just no other way to get 'dem nobles & ultimate the zealots. :smile:
Mordachai said:
I tend to upgrade the engineering of my own character (say, to level 4 or 5).  Sometimes I use Bunduk.

I tend to make buildings based on the time it takes, and the needs at that time.  If I'm low on troops, then barracks and ranges are top priorities.  If I've got those, then temple/shrine/monastery are next, because the sooner my faith is high, the sooner I'll get faith troops.

Obviously I need those blasted knight chapters, and those rise in priority as time goes by, because I'll have the other basic needs taken care of, and there's just no other way to get 'dem nobles & ultimate the zealots. :smile:
Why use Bunduk when Artimeer comes with engineering 4?
Artimeer and the surgeon guy are incompatible.  I only keep the compatible companions around, and I prefer all of the peasant / low-born ones, so Artimeer  is out (if I could have him and the surgeon, I'd be stoked).  Bunduk comes with some tactics, as I recall, so you're at least starting from something...
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