Bugs in Phantasy 2018

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Grandmaster Knight
  I suppose it seems early to list bugs in Phantasy 2017 considering not many have access, but it is useful for me to know what is open and what progress is made on it.

  I let 4 people I trust see it and one returned a long (20+) list of detailed errors.  I picked people not just because they wanted it but based on history on this forum, their attention to detail, the amount of time they had, and finally their knowledge of the mechanics of the game.  I could have given it to 20 people, but the end result wouldn't be that much clearer for me.

  Also, a tester isn't having fun doing everything they wanted; I never asked for "early release" players.  I'm asking for real work.  Two days into their session their savegame may need to be reset; they have to look at every aspect and not just what they like; they need to make screen shots as needed and have basic competence with their PC.  It helps if they are not in my face at EVERY last interaction I ever had with him (someone knows who I am talking about) -- because an energy draining vampire doesn't really help me get anything done.  I never asked anyone to kiss my behind, and even offering to pay me is sweet but it does not get front of the line service either.  (I still don't have such a payment mechanic set up).

  What I do see is that, although I'm happy many things happen to work, it's really not in a state for release.  Yet.
It may be some time before it is smooth enough to be "fun".  As specific new features are released or close enough to test an alternative release, I'll expand the pool of testers.  I'll do it based on what sort of posts you've been making, here or elsewhere.  I actually read every post ever made by each candidate to know exactly who I'm dealing with and why they should get anything someone else didn't.  So far, they got a great deal of work.  And all of it will be torn up, maybe every single week.  It is exceedingly rare that any patch doesn't ruin a savegame, completely.  Even one new global variable added will misalign savegames.  Many tweaks are implemented ONCE at start of game; trying to hot patch for example an item price might recover the new price the next day, but trying to for example change the number of bandit spawn types and locations will absolutely kill a save.

  By the way, that's at least one change needed, as I'll explain next post.

  - GS
  Open issues and any progress made on them:

  Quests seem to be hammered the most.  Almost every quest has some issue, or so I'm told.
  1) I was expecting one type of issue because I've seen it last year.  It's this:
    The "eliminate this type of bandit spawn" quest in Native has one bandit spawn type for each faction, with the bandit camp pretty much inside that faction's borders.  I suspect for all the Native factions, this quest right now works as expected.  But if you attempt this quest (or for that matter, the town owner/king that has "responsibility" for that faction's bandit lair spawn even is supposed to try to talk about it), all sorts of different problems could occur as the number of factions (13 + player) exceeds the number of Native + added bandit types (6 + 5). There are two ship types that were defined but they are in between the two bandit types, at least looking at  party_templates. 

  The classic method of resolving this has one unique bandit definition per faction in  party_templates and another for the lair target itself in parties.  Then the actual bandit camp spawns in some radius around the hidden bandit lair position earlier  declared, and those can come and go, but the original target is permanent and never removed.  Warsword Conquest 2016 added 4 factions without adding the corresponding bandit lair types and permanent lair parties (which have a location but aren't showing -- instead the bandits spawn from a camp that can be removed, so its a temporary party not a permanent party, and the number range is different).  So anyway, getting this quest from a high numbered faction takes the difference of that faction number and faction kingdom_1, and this gets added to the FIRST bandit camp type to know what TYPE to use, and then added to the list of static bandit camp parties to know WHERE the ground zero is for that bandit camp, and THEN if everything goes right the camp is placed (or is already there from before) and the king/town lord nearest the camp says they are skeletons/sea raiders/forest bandits/shadows/etc  Whatever the camp type is called, according to what is looked up indirectly at party_templates for the camp name type.  This is two parts problem: the lair should be already on the map someplace, so that the nearest town to the lair can be found, and it should be roughly inside the faction that gets responsibility for it. 

  Blazing Hand might overlap Vaegirs for who "owns" tundra bandits by distance, but in terms of faction number and location within party_templates, certainly they belong to Vaegir.  But who does Blazing Hand roll? Orcs? Drow? Undead? Elves? Dwarves?  THESE need to have their bandits re-assessed.  At least 2 more types need adding in party_templates, and the order they are in needs to move ships outside the bandit camp types.  It's complicated further because 5 types were added but not necessarily within the factions that have responsibility for them.  The camps that normally are placed by native were moved.  Even ctrl-t cheat doesn't really show the camps.
We do see more than one instance of skeleton's camp, one shadow camp, and the others are hidden.  So this is for example one open issue with several layers.

  So now looking at parties, there are 16 permanent bandit spawn camps, which is more than needed but that is fine, and the places they spawn need to be checked so that each faction gets AT LEAST 1 camp within their borders (else the  type of bandit to check will return as -1 and fail all sorts of other checks) and if there are more than this it just means players can't clear the camp by quest, but will stumble onto it and clear it or not by entering the camp.
I'll print in entirety my first bug report from my first responding tester:

"Hi, today I played for about 2 hours and this is what I've seen so far:

- "Go for a walk" in character creation spawns you at (presumably) random training ground (which is pre-warband game start), not at the town of choice  FIXED
- after the start of the game, there is 70-ish morale hit in "recent events"  FIXED
- in notes/quests, "Could not find any definition for GUI widget 'note_t_keys_title' in game_variables.txt" warning appears, this is probably Diplomacy error
- in taverns, both town musicians and wandering bards can appear at the same time, which results in pieces of music playing at the same time (it could be medieval avantgarde performance)
- in tournaments: "SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 23: Invalid Script Parameter ID: 10; LINE NO: 11: At script: set_items_for_tournament", this appears for ID/LINE 10, 11, 12
- Borgakh (an orc village) has human elder, when talking to him he tells me to leave them alone, even though my relations is 0 with both the village and the faction (I'm an orc if that matters); EDIT: Xnath has drow elder, told me the same, orc elder in Vambag as well (all under the same conditions and character, just reloaded save after Alt-F4 due to the following bug)  FIXED
- in troop trees presentations, a lot of troops are overlapping and there is no 'Leave' button
- in faction relations report, the horizontal line has only native factions + elves and dwarves, but they are named 'deserters' and 'bandits'   FIXED
- when asking orc village elder for a quest, there was a number of errors: "SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 506: Invalid Quest ID: 6576424; LINE NO: {1085-1104}: At script: get_quest"
- another quest bug, better explained with a screenshot... note that Blackhollow is a village
this leads me to believe that get_quest is buggy as a whole (I haven't tried getting any other quests yet)
- when entering any scene (including conversations), "You are no longer affected by acid arrow" text appears
    FIXED, but acid arrow needs to be more heavily tested now.

- for the PBOD deathcam, default for "Camera Turn Right" is 'Left' and "Camera Turn Left" is 'Right'

other stuff
- the world map performance is really smooth (at least in the first days, didn't get too much into the game) except for a stutter every 6 or so hours (it freezes for about 0,1-0,2 sec even in slow travel)

- when autolooting, add an option to take only items above adjustable price threshold (similar to autosell); EDIT I wrote it before I got to the actual loot screen (previously looked at the one at camp menu), which is IMO worse even if much more sophisticated (maybe that's why I think it's worse)  FIXED, by setting diplomacy autoloot test condition to *always* return True
- adjust script_update_mercenary_units_of_towns so that mercenaries don't spawn in their respective hostile town (e.g. elves don't spawn in orc towns)  DONE
- this is more of a suggestion to guspav - find different models for elven armors (or lower their quality)... those are pretty, but they absolutely kill performance (for example, their troop tree takes 5-10 seconds to load)
- add an option or straight off disable overriding mount in towns
- enable meeting guild masters/elder without previously finding them... I get it's supposed to show you the scenes, but you have to do it every new game and some new scenes are really big (for example, in Sargoth it took me about 5 minutes to find the guild master and it's about a minute walk from spawn point - if you know where to go)
My (GS) response:
  This was useful enough I spent much of today just trying the mod out as if I was seeing it for the first time, for longer than the usual 4-6 minutes time I have left each day to "play games". 

(sort of working backwards):
  I'll mention the loot screen in diplomacy had one menu while Guspav's Phantasy source for 2017 used Lav's companion overseer.  I kept Guspav's code for this even though I had overwritten maybe 80% of his mod by then with more "orthodox" OSP code or my own things, and by then I was feeling guilty of hammering his mod away from his customized version and into something generic.  I might see if I can rig a run time switch that lets the player choose which handler they use and can flip back and forth at some menu.  Mainly I was worried about item cloning, as Lav held loot pool in one place and diplomacy the other, but it could be resolved by having both available and a late switch (global variable that the player can adjust by menu) deciding which gets used.

I have code at Warsword Conquest that was intended to block companions from spawning at hostile cities according to their skin prejudices; I can adapt this for mercenaries, since it was 100% written by me.

DeathCam at PBOD was a source of weakness to me since Guspav had one, then Diplomacy put one in but it isn't fully active and the compiler complains about it anyway, and then PBOD linked one in last so it gets used finally.  So many deathcam layers are an invitation for keys to get flipped.  In fact, there is a deathcam flip recovery that MadVader added, where you might wake up in deathcam upside down so all the keys flip.  This is probably where a fix needs to focus.  I can then hunt down the two alternate deathcams and remove them utterly.  Deathcam also interfered with something useful - battle mini-display, which presents a radar like overview of the battle.  This is another great reason to straighten it out.

  Tree display for troop tree viewer actually doesn't do what I ultimately need it to do so it will get replaced by something different shortly.  For elf the start and end definitions for their troops aren't matching; this causes a huge pause on elf kingdom that the others dont have, probably while all 1000 troop types are checked to see what faction they match instead of start and stop ranges like used in the tree viewer I plan to replace with.  The next version requires more configurating and is harder to set up but performs faster and I am used to tweaking its output to show non-standard things like weight carried and dodge in last year's Warsword Rigale.  I also used it to dump kingdom ladies, lords, all mercenaries, all bandits, and every fighting troop with or without factions.  But it is a lot more work to set up...

taverns having musicians and bards playing different music at the same time is a good catch, as I'm not allowed to have speakers on for any reason at work and although I do have headphones I ran over the cord too many times with my chair so they need constant kludging to hear both channels and I miss support phone calls while they are on.  Thats my problem, but its an example why I'm not ideal for bug tests.

  "You are not affected by acid arrow" text display suggests the mission_templates combat needs cleaning up.  I had noticed all of the combat timers are on even in friendly village visits, so i should adjust just that one mission until I don't get the message and then inspect that one timer to see if there isn't a more clever way to reset or clear status.  I had elsewhere stated there are around 50 such timer driven routines in mission_templates, and eventually they need re-organizing but for now I was satisfied to leave them be while solving other areas.  It is still useful to get on a list so it isn't ever-postponed.

  I have not tried tournaments at all.  I think once I tried the merchants kidnapped brother once and was not sure that it didn't also have an error.  At the time I just wanted to clear compiler errors but sometimes there was a missing try_end or loop control that was not very clear where exactly it belonged, so I tried to mark these and go on.  The missions for clearing bandits passed through from Guspav's original code, which at first I substituted entirely diplomacy while fixing the rest of the mod then just his mission_templates after the other sections were converted, so now it is 98% his mission_templates and maybe 20% his other sections (but when I thought I saw something unique I tried to salvage it).  Thus the desire for a deep test from any other viewpoint...

  - GS
"Hi, I gave it about 3 hours today.

- in battle, after pressing 'Backspace' for tactical overview, a popup appears saying "Can't load textures/newflags.dds"
- parties do not disappear after defeat - KOed troops remain in the party even after taking them prisoners// EDIT: it may be cause by Lav's companion manager - when using the Diplomacy lootmenu (more about it in "other stuff"), defeated parties actually disappear  FIXED by having Diplomacy autoloot test ALWAYS return True, so it always takes precedence.
- Diplomacy and PBOD have some things in common, so you have to synchronize the settings for it to work (for example - charge after KO - in Diplomacy enabled as default, in PBOD disabled as default)  FIXED.  Toggling either sets the correct value in the other now, so they always stay in synch.
- musicians can spawn without any instrument (not sure if unintended)
- balrog feet and hands have large negative magic modifier (-12 and -10 respectively)
- Drow Mage Robe and Lesser Drow Mage Robe have somewhat mixed stats (I think) - DMR has 10/8 armor, 6 magic modifier; LDMR has 20/8 armor, 4 mm; they are also in wrong order in item_kinds (DMR is before LDMR, lesser should be before normal), but that's not really a problem  FIXED
- almost half of the spell scrolls don't have description
- dialog with Morwara (the gnome in 4 Ways Inn) is messed up - when borrowing money, all options lead to borrowing maximum available
- the "Leave us alone" dialog with village elder occurs even when being a vassal of the faction and having neutral relations with the village (not with all villages though)  FIXED
- "Meet the village elder" appears at the same time as "You have not met village elder yet", after meeting him only "Meet the village elder" remains  FIXED
- Inventory Management can be increased past level 10, those extra levels don't work (IM effect is hardcoded AFAIK)
- "Meet spy in enemy town" quest - same story as with yesterday's quest, invalid party ID error, missing string with phrase to recognise the spy, in quest note it uses a village as the target town
- "Destroy bandit lair" quest - when given the quest, it loops the lord telling you what to do, invalid party ID error is there as well
- this (relations with Magocracy and Wizard Tower are 0, but it says they're hostile
- is this supposed to have lair icon?

working stuff
- the teleport from Dacar (the mage in 4 Ways Inn) works, but it may spawn you into non-passable terrain such as mountains (it didn't happen to me, but I think it can happen due to spawning in quite a distance from the town)
- magic seems to work fine except for some AoE spells not actually affecting everyone within range - but I don't think anyone has ever managed to make AoE damage effect work properly in Warband (I made a rocket launcher in my mod, but absolutely no OSP script worked 100% right, even though they should have)
- "Capture enemy lord" quest
- "Collect taxes" quest

other stuff
- so about the lootmenu... Diplomacy lootmenu requires 2 skillpoints in either Looting or Inventory Management, and when this condition is passed, you go to Diplomacy lootmenu instead of Lav's lootscreen  FIXED by not having any requirements to autoloot.
- about the elven armors - problems with scripts may have an impact, but they take their time to load even in cheat_find_item, furthermore, those armored are featured in several mods and everywhere they cause performance issues (mainly when in large numbers and/or spawning)
- what is this for?

- about buffing some of the currently less profitable classes - the main downside of barbarian is that whenever you get a bonus from taking damage, the next hit you receive overwrites that, so most of the time you are doing normal damage... if you first check that new_bonus>old_bonus before overriding the damage multiplier, it would greatly strengthen the class
- add a text with magic modifier to mage staffs (the one that all armor pieces now display)
- in conversation with the mage in mage guild, add an option to buy magic robes and headgear (or some other way to obtain them, currently they are quite rare)
- add more gold to merchants

My response:
  for quests failing, try them one more time at a Native faction like Swadia.  It is possible Diplomacy slipped in some hard coded range and all the exotic factions go outside that range and thus fail.  If it worked in Native factions but breaks with more factions, I can probably solve that fairly quickly.  I'm thinking especially tournaments.  The bandit camp quest I explained my theory yesterday but tournaments probably should test / try once with a Native faction.  Tournaments had a handoff where Guspav had non-standard bets to help the player farm cash faster and I may have glitched the betting during winmerge, as it often clips lines when "aligning" sections that aren't exactly equal.

  There is a fix for AoE OSP, I just need to go through and implement it.  Guspav has quite a few single target and shotgun type spells; AoE are fireball, lightning, chaos, turn undead, maybe one or two more.  I'll have to try out ice storm and see what it does, this one is new.

  Relations saying they are hostile may be prejudice showing itself, I'll have to see what skin you were.  What was your player character's race?

  Diplomacy and PBOD being out of synch I've seen before.  I suppose I'm on the hook to hunt down where each stores values to force them to be the same, perhaps by simple_trigger or the act of leaving one of the menus for Diplomacy or PBOD settings change.  I suppose I best sum all the settings for each so I know which was most recently changed if it is by timer, then I'd know the player toggled one recently and use that as master.  It is probably safer to force a synchronization as the player leaves a Diplomacy or PBOD settings menu and not trust a trigger timer to catch the player changing a setting.

I made a folder  Textures with newflags.dds in it in testing directory

There are dual crises at work today so I won't be able to put time into the mod.  Everyone else took off for holiday, exactly when all my sites have a panic, so I'm up before sun rises to get a handle on it  :0

  - GS

I kind of hate to do this to you (only one tester responded yet?), but can you try the tournament, quests, and dialogs errors on Pho II?  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4sh7GRykLgERHN2SDRKQ1lJNVE?usp=sharing
it's not nearly as "fun" as Phantasy, but in the places that matter the code is nearly 100% overlap.

  Pretty sure Pho II has Diplomacy only looting, so if it works there I can merge pure diplomacy looting and lav's companion overseer can still remain for non-looting purposes.  I can be selective with how much of it I want to use, as they are compartmentalized in different places.  Looting after battle occurs from game_menus called from mnu_total_victory or somesuch  :smile:

  The tournaments now in Phantasy are sort of hybrid between Guspav and "Diplomacy", so it would be useful to compare the diplomacy code used at Pho II and see if it still had the same errors.  Pho II only has the 6 somewhat native factions, so any 6-faction specific assumptions should still work in Pho II.  Where one works and the other doesn't, it's probably only a 2-day fix to solve.  Of course, 2 days here, 2 days there and eventually it sucks a week or three, but it could be worse.  At least SOMETHING works, which is always a beginning.

  - GS

Edit Fri evening:
  My day job has a major issue right now that only I can solve which busied me all day and will busy me again all of Monday.  Hopefully Phantasy's testers can find something to stay busy with until I have time to get back to them.  I hope I don't spend the last of my karma points to keep my day job, but I do think I'll fix their server melt down just fine.  Its just not going to be finished for another weekday.  After that I'll see what fixes I can work up...

gsanders said:
for quests failing, try them one more time at a Native faction like Swadia.  It is possible Diplomacy slipped in some hard coded range and all the exotic factions go outside that range and thus fail.  If it worked in Native factions but breaks with more factions, I can probably solve that fairly quickly.  I'm thinking especially tournaments.  The bandit camp quest I explained my theory yesterday but tournaments probably should test / try once with a Native faction.  Tournaments had a handoff where Guspav had non-standard bets to help the player farm cash faster and I may have glitched the betting during winmerge, as it often clips lines when "aligning" sections that aren't exactly equal.
OK, I'll try the quest in Native factions. However, the tournament was in Khergit-owned Halmar (I was an orc if it makes a difference).

gsanders said:
  Relations saying they are hostile may be prejudice showing itself, I'll have to see what skin you were.  What was your player character's race?
Ah, that makes sense. My character was a drow (I'll try to meet a few other faction heroes to see if it works correctly).

gsanders said:
Diplomacy and PBOD being out of synch I've seen before.  I suppose I'm on the hook to hunt down where each stores values to force them to be the same, perhaps by simple_trigger or the act of leaving one of the menus for Diplomacy or PBOD settings change.  I suppose I best sum all the settings for each so I know which was most recently changed if it is by timer, then I'd know the player toggled one recently and use that as master.  It is probably safer to force a synchronization as the player leaves a Diplomacy or PBOD settings menu and not trust a trigger timer to catch the player changing a setting.
That will probably solve it, but I think it would be best to go through the common features and let only one instance operational in case they are not exactly the same and/or executing the same effect twice would have unwanted effects (deathcam is prime example of this).
I'm currently on a morning full of bug hunting and compiling. I'll be adding to it all weekend as I find more.

Below is a spoiler with link going to the relevant album. The album contains photos when necessary along with descriptions of each and the current version the bug was found in.


double companion bodyguards is fixed already by the way.  There's a fix up for it since last week.  I suppose I should re-send you the link, maybe I missed you.
gsanders said:
double companion bodyguards is fixed already by the way.  There's a fix up for it since last week.  I suppose I should re-send you the link, maybe I missed you.

Sure thing, I'll download and update from there.
another tester reports:
1- Starting a game, when you choose the option to take a walk around town it spawns you at a training field, even though you see the town menu. (Interrupting the waiting time before the town menu shows up or waiting for it and clicking on leave leads the same ending: training field)

2- Walking into a town while mounted gives you the warning "You are no longer affected by acid arrow!", didn't notice the same thing when walking into town unmounted. It might not be related to mount, I don't know
  "Probably Fixed", but although the text message is gone I sometimes get a hang in battle that I didn't see in v120, so I may need to test Acid arrow more.  I did remove the message showing, but its not certain the "fix" isn't a 'software crime'.  NEEDS TEST on NEXT BUILD

3- After using the "charge staff" spell on your spellbook, spellbook menu starts looking like this, entering a new battle or saving and loading doesn't fix it.

4- Foreign taverngoers in town (ie Sarranid/Khergit townsmen in Swadian cities, Swadian/Rhodok townsmen in Sarranid/Khergit cities etc.), however this seems to be the case within taverns, townwalkers seem to be of the town's culture

5- You can't see them while opening the dialogue window with sitting taverngoers. Also when you recruit them it's a random group of mercenaries, not sure if this is an intended feature or not either, it just seemed weird a plain townswoman transforming into an exotic "strange mercenary".
and finally my last tester from the first wave of four reported in:
"Hi, sorry I haven't been very active lately. I've been struggling with some medical issues, so I can't be super helpful. The little playtime I got in ran very well and I'm excited to see more. The new class abilities are obviously not fully implemented, but I did see some bugs with the spellbook: if I had more than one class, the clickable text boxes for them would all appear in the same space in the spellbook UI.

I had one strange bug in a battle, and of course because of how my brain was while playing, I cannot remember exactly how it started. I believe I assaulted a Cursed Cemetery, and I spawned headless in a standard battleground without my troops and without a head. The enemy troops were MY army and defeated me handily."

My reply to all the testers:
  I plan to go over  module_mission_templates.py  today, which is where the bandit camp missions are, as those all were reported messed up in Phantasy and (probably) working in Pho II, making it an easy compare and merge.  The mission_templates used now is purely as Guspav had it with only changes to get it compiling, so it needs help the most.  As normal battles work, I'll just focus on bandit camps and the "you are no longer affected by acid arrow" message at start of each mission.  These might be hot patch capable, we'll see.

  I guess the other thing is to force the script check for looting skill at least 2 to always return "True" for now to sidestep the flawed handler for enemy party cleanup/looting called at game_menus for the two victory states ("total_victory" and there's one other).
That looks hot-fix capable also.

  The issue for bandit camp quests themselves glitched beyond the simple "I spawn incorrectly inside the camp" is NOT hot patch capable, I'll need to re-arrange the order of the camps and check where each camp is, if it is inside the faction it "belongs" to, etc.
We'll see.

  tavern spawns I can block hostile skins from spawning in the wrong taverns, as well as wrong companions, but again, we'll see.

Talking to a musician in a tavern:
  after learning all the courtship poems the musician knows, he offers to teach me the Lyre for 1000 in coin
    doing this yields exactly nothing discernable, takes no time, and spends 1000 gold/coin.
    it looks like a fine stub for opening non-bard use of "entertainment" but as it stands does nothing...

build # 129a, a save game breaking pre-test for upcoming build 130:
  1) still need to manually place player for when player chooses "talk a long walk around town" when avoiding the first "merchant's brother" quest line  - DONE
  2) need to put a check at entertainment in town so to disable during epidemics, else can sing and get paid at the same time  OPEN ISSUE
  3) tavern selection in mnu_town is missing - found the issue, its DONE
  4) stuck at leave town so need to set parameters for leaving / check further what is happening here -- "probably" DONE
SmurfInHell said:
v120 test results:

1) Tournament glitches: OPEN ISSUE

2) invisible patrons at Tavern - FIXED

3) Towns showing slightly hostile depending on your race skin: FIXED

4) Necro -> becoming also Mage messes up display of classes on M key (classes) presentation:  OPEN ISSUE

5) Shield Bash animation is wrong:  OPEN ISSUE

6) Blazing Hand showing incorrectly for Lady Mantrivell picture:  Found the cause of this yesterday:  FIXED

7) (Duplicate bodyguards)  Fixed on builds v121 and up, v120 was Sept 5th and by Sept 6th this was FIXED
  Nice testing
MadBull543 said:
gsanders said:
for quests failing, try them one more time at a Native faction like Swadia.  It is possible Diplomacy slipped in some hard coded range and all the exotic factions go outside that range and thus fail.  If it worked in Native factions but breaks with more factions, I can probably solve that fairly quickly.  I'm thinking especially tournaments.  The bandit camp quest I explained my theory yesterday but tournaments probably should test / try once with a Native faction.  Tournaments had a handoff where Guspav had non-standard bets to help the player farm cash faster and I may have glitched the betting during winmerge, as it often clips lines when "aligning" sections that aren't exactly equal.
OK, I'll try the quest in Native factions. However, the tournament was in Khergit-owned Halmar (I was an orc if it makes a difference).

gsanders said:
  Relations saying they are hostile may be prejudice showing itself, I'll have to see what skin you were.  What was your player character's race?
Ah, that makes sense. My character was a drow (I'll try to meet a few other faction heroes to see if it works correctly).

gsanders said:
Diplomacy and PBOD being out of synch I've seen before.  I suppose I'm on the hook to hunt down where each stores values to force them to be the same, perhaps by simple_trigger or the act of leaving one of the menus for Diplomacy or PBOD settings change.  I suppose I best sum all the settings for each so I know which was most recently changed if it is by timer, then I'd know the player toggled one recently and use that as master.  It is probably safer to force a synchronization as the player leaves a Diplomacy or PBOD settings menu and not trust a trigger timer to catch the player changing a setting.
That will probably solve it, but I think it would be best to go through the common features and let only one instance operational in case they are not exactly the same and/or executing the same effect twice would have unwanted effects (deathcam is prime example of this).

  OPEN ISSUE:  PBOD and Diplomacy out of synch for battle continuation.  FIXED
imyungdae said:
Quick reply for troop tree issue. There's no leave button, but it can be exited by pressing Esc key.

  At least you found it.  Enjoy v120
    It also has double bodyguards, which was fixed the next day but I gave you access to that version so that it kept the Sept 5th date.
  Eventually, I'll slip you the "Classic" prototype.  I need to first move items around and re-balance them; some items just don't make sense, like
["cuir_bouilli", "Cuir Bouilli", [("cuir_bouilli_a_dwarved",0)], itp_merchandise| itp_type_body_armor  |itp_covers_legs ,0,
 3100 , weight(24)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(50)|leg_armor(15)|difficulty(8) ,imodbits_armor ],

    So, my complaint is this weighs too much (24 pounds?  24 Kilograms??), but worse, it gives too good protection (body AC 50 legs AC 15) and the cost is far too high for the difficulty in making it    3100 coins.

    compare this to for example chain armor, which I've conveniently already moved together, and watch this variation in stats:
["long_mail_coat", "Long Coat of Mail", [("nobleman_outf",0)], itp_type_body_armor|itp_covers_legs|itp_civilian,0,
 348 , weight(12)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(18)|leg_armor(16)|difficulty(0) ,imodbits_armor ],
["mail_coat", "Coat of Mail", [("nobleman_outf",0)], itp_type_body_armor|itp_covers_legs|itp_civilian,0,
 348 , weight(11)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(18)|leg_armor(10)|difficulty(0) ,imodbits_armor ],
["mail_hauberk", "Mail Hauberk", [("hauberk_a_new_dwarved",0)], itp_merchandise| itp_type_body_armor  |itp_covers_legs ,0,
 1320 , weight(19)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(40)|leg_armor(12)|difficulty(7) ,imodbits_armor ],
["mail_shirt", "Mail Shirt", [("mail_shirt_a_dwarved",0)], itp_merchandise| itp_type_body_armor  |itp_covers_legs ,0,
 1040 , weight(19)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(37)|leg_armor(12)|difficulty(7) ,imodbits_armor ],
["mail_with_surcoat", "Mail with Surcoat", [("mail_long_surcoat_new_dwarved",0)], itp_merchandise| itp_type_body_armor  |itp_covers_legs ,0,
 1544 , weight(22)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(42)|leg_armor(14)|difficulty(7) ,imodbits_armor,[],[fac_kingdom_1,fac_kingdom_2,fac_kingdom_4,fac_kingdom_5] ],

  All of those are lighter, cheaper, and much worse armor than the cuir boilli purely leather saddle bag type boiled leather armor.
By putting similar types of armor together, from a "how do I make it" perspective, I can look to see if something costs wrong and has stats not very similar at all to others in its class.

  If you volunteered to do that for me, I could supply two files - one for Phantasy, one from an earlier build I did where I was satisfied with how I organized everything and rebalanced JUST AC, price, and weight, while not touching anything else (because the resources, factions, and leading names in each mod have differences).  I'd save about 8 of my man days, with about 10 man days needed for the project. 

    If you're up for that, PM me.
    If ANYONE thinks they're up for that, PM me.

  The worst that happens is I find a way to break it into smaller tasks or find some similar tasks that don't really need "modding" experience.

  edit: 16:42 Wed 27 Sept 17 my time:
    Prepared the two files, clipped away spells and everything outside the area to focus.
    I could probably break each of these one more time to weapons in one file and armor in another file so that two people could be busied and each has less work for faster turn around time.
My bug report:

I will list previously mentioned bugs which i also met. Then I will list bugs i met but havent seen posted before, and post screenshots.

Mentioned and met:

- char. chreation menu spawn at closest training ground
- morale penalty at start
- tournament "SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE". I could play and havent noticd any bugs, though. Just the error message
- you're not affected by acid arrow message.

Met / new bugs:

- quest request at guild merchant opcode error
- all Dokohan Koldoff castles have bandit lair map icon
- village elder is hostile but relation is 0 (and i can recruit)
- i have problems with new loot menu at battle end. Companion overseer is it's name, i think. but it's bugged. In older versions when i had my inventory full i could put less valuable stuff on the loot inventory and get the valuable ones into my inventory. Now I cant.
- i got 2 Looters as prisoners. The i got the message: "Looters left your party" Note it's not "some prisoners escaped". Like if they were companions or idk.
- During battle scene I pushed backspace to view minimap and I got a CTD. This is a repeatable bug. But I can click on the game icon at taskbar and get back to the battle after pressig Esc at pause menu where I get into after reopening.
- I spoke to Queen Aeralria of Dokohan Koldoff Alliance. I saw a dialogue option: "I met "OWN_NAME" and the i get the claimant dialogue. Ad Elf Forest is hostile too (i guess every settlement is hostile)

Now screenshots:















imyungdae said:
- i have problems with new loot menu at battle end. Companion overseer is it's name, i think. but it's bugged. In older versions when i had my inventory full i could put less valuable stuff on the loot inventory and get the valuable ones into my inventory. Now I cant.    FIXED IN v126
- i got 2 Looters as prisoners. The i got the message: "Looters left your party" Note it's not "some prisoners escaped". Like if they were companions or idk.      OPEN ISSUE
- During battle scene I pushed backspace to view minimap and I got a CTD. This is a repeatable bug. But I can click on the game icon at taskbar and get back to the battle after pressig Esc at pause menu where I get into after reopening.    GOOD INFO // OPEN ISSUE
- I spoke to Queen Aeralria of Dokohan Koldoff Alliance. I saw a dialogue option: "I met "OWN_NAME" and the i get the claimant dialogue. Ad Elf Forest is hostile too (i guess every settlement is hostile)        GOOD INFO // OPEN ISSUE

      this makes sense as there are 6 pretenders but 13 factions; elves are faction # 7 so the pretender name will index past the last pretender.
  I'll have to make a check to limit this dialog from showing for factions 7-13.

Now screenshots:














I found an interesting thing today. A drow soldier came at me with no weapons, just a shield.... But he had sword and a polearm. Yet he attacked bare-handed. Maybe he ran out of whatever magic he used as a thrown? But then shouldn't he swap to a weapon? He did pull the  sword after a while, but shouldn't he do it immediately after running out of magic?
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