The bug stay the same I've reported in 0.701 and here they are:
-Great helm gives more protection and requires more strenght than the Black helm (dunno if that's intentional tough, but black cuirass and greaves give better protection than their "standard" plate counterparts).
-Marnid and Borcha do not equip mittens, even if they have them in their inventory. Also, I've never seen NPCs wearing gloves or mittens.
-Iron skin still gives +2 health/level instead of +3 (as for description).
-Too many thick/reinforced/hardened armors and too many balanced/heavy weapons: usually just no more than one weapon/armor in the whole merchant's inventory has no "special properties". Oddly enough it seems than 90% of bows and crossbows instead are cracked or bent.
-Bastard sword damage seems unaffected if wielded 1h or 2h.
-AI still stucks on steep slopes, trying to climb them stupidly.
-If you're hit when backpedaling on a slope, you will slide backward with a jumping animation, and when you've reached the base of the hill (or a flat enough terrain) you take falling damage (usually ranging from 15 to 25 with a reinforced black armor). This happen both on "grey" slopes and on normal less-steep ones.
-NPCs keep throwing things (even rocks) from insane distances.
-Two handed weapons seem to have some collision damage on close distance. They sound a low "thump" (like a bashing weapon) and deal minimal damage (like 5-10 instead of the usual 40-50). This happen very frequently as opponents seem to like rushing *into* your char when they attack.
Some "I'd wish"
-Lighter xbows are useless as they are if used on horseback: too long reloading range, too little damage.
-Bash weapon damage output is really too low to be a viable choice other than capturing nobles for quests
-Polearm damage is still too low.
-Bardiche, double axe and great axe all possess too similar damage/speed/range to make a significant difference. Their only difference is aestethical, the same could be said for scimitair/broadsword/nomad sabre. 1h axes plainly suck instead.
-Prisoner ransoms seem to be more useless than before with the reduced economy. I know it's the same, but now it's even more evident.