Bugs in 0.701 - REPORT THEM HERE

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Any bugs that are still in 0.701 ... even if they were listed in the 0.700 thread ... report them here.

This keeps them all in one spot for Armagan to check.

First bug = Some starting characters have unbalancing stats.

EDIT: I will find out what classes and such have what stats and post them here unless someone beats me to it ... was using the above as a valid reason for creating the thread. :razz:

EDIT 2: The exact stats for the classes are:
Male SQUIRE = 14, 8, 4, 6
Male HUNTER = 9, 13, 5, 5
Male PRIEST = 5, 4, 29, 6
Male MERCHANT = 6, 5, 5, 14

Female COURT LADY = 6, 6, 9, 9
Female HUNTER = 9, 14, 6, 5
Female NUN = 5, 5, 30, 6
Female MERCHANT = 6, 6, 6, 14

EDIT 3: Any posts that are not a bug or found in v0.701 will be deleted.
My save file hasn't been corrupted yet, but I was very disappointed to discover that quitting the game still crashes my computer every time.

About the starting classes, the male hunter has 13 AGI and the squire has 14 STR, haven't checked the others.

The gloves/mittens are still screwy: The prices are ridiculous (They need to be cut, big time. Hundreds of denars for a pair of leather gloves, what's up with that?) and the difference between chain mail mittens and leather gloves - one point of body armor - is too small. I think you should lower the gloves' protection by one or two points and drop the price to a fifth or sixth of the current one, and decrease the mail mittens' price by 200 or so.
A few bugs after 20 minutes play:

- Having only 1 denar left I was able to bet 5 denar in the tournament, and ended up with about 15 afterwards.

- After completing training and playing a couple times in the tourney my health is now 49/48 (has the injury one swapped sides?)

- Kradus (archer) and I were fighting a mounted archer; the archer was up against a wall when Kradus got a headshot...the archer flew about 30 feet into the air and came down on top of a wall. I didn't think bows were that powerful o_O

EDIT: - If you go to the count of Rivacheg to take Borcha with the 50 denars but without prisoner management you'll lose the 50 as if you'd taken him but get nothing for it. I haven't tried going back with PM skill, will you have to pay again?

I agree that gloves are VASTLY overpriced for what they are, especially when you can get boots so cheap. The starting stats...certainly interesting :p I think perhaps a happy middle ground can be found between the current stats and the previous version's.
On the opening screen for the game I pressed the "CHECK FOR NEW VERSION" button. It wrongly said I had the latest version. At the time I had 0.7 on my computer and 0.701 was already on the web site.
Had an assertion error after fighting some raiders (the ones from the quest)
I won the battle, went to the loot screen (didn't pick up any loot, because I was cheating to test things), and when I went to the party/prisoner screen (where I can take prisoners and capture enemy prisoners for my party), this assertion error showed up:

I clicked Ignore and it appeared again, so I clicked again. The same error appeared around 4-5 times, and I kept clicking ignore until the game came back to normal. The game was running fine after that, but I suppose it's nice to report...
My male merchant starts off with his sumpter horse in the food box, and his fish in the inventory.

It may be random numbers acting up, but the upgrade of the merchandise in the beginning game seems a bit much, I went to three towns and the salt mine to check horses, all had some modifier, only 3 were swaybacked, 4 were stubborn, 3 heavy, and the other 20 were spirited.

The game still crashes when I asked the Zendar merchant for a job, but not always.
Outside the ones mentioned (most notably the unbalanced starting skills), here is some more:

1. Tabbing out of tavern or merchant or arena in Zendar sends you to the world map rather than the city center.

2. Table in the Zendar tavern still floating in the air.

3. knocked-out horse in arena can still rests on top of fence.

More to come.
Apex said:
My example: Started @ 502, bet 30, won 57+2, ended @ 531.

Um, Apex, that's how it should be. Your 502 goes down to 472 after you bet the 30. 472 + 59 = 531. The winnings should definitely be more, though. Winnning only 27 coins after betting 30 isn't even 1:1 odds!

[Edit: guess I should add a bug...]
The hunter begins the game with zero riding skill (unless you alter it) and a horse. It should only make sense that all classes that begin with a horse should have appropriate riding skill! Besides the merchant though, I don't see any reason for a character to begin play with a horse anyway. I had much more fun my first time around when I had to earn my first horse.

=$= Big J Money =$=
My game randomly CTD when I ask for job at a merchant.
Sometimes it CTD, sometimes it wont.
I think it has something to do with certain quest type.
Well, I don't have the Win98SE issue anymore of having explorer dying on me right after I exit the game. However I still have a problem of restarting mount and blade after I exit it once. All I get is an "performed an illegal operation" message. Only way to restart the game is by rebooting.

Kinda think it's tied to the GFX card, cause I can't run the game either if I've run winamp (watching something). If I do that then I get a d3d error message that the game itself spawns stating that it cannot detect d3d or something like that.
CTD in arena fight, didn't get an error msg , it seemed to happen when 2 lancers hit each other (not sure though) , if anyone has more detailed info on this CTD (or similar combat related CTDs) please post.
Some of the random start skills must be awarded randomly without regard to checking - for me Marnid had a CHA-4 and a Trade-3 which is not a possible combination. I find it humerous that I started with a horse in the food square and can place a horse in and out of that square. Food apparently gets eaten ok when there is food in the square. Sorry to say I avoided potential problems and did not leave the horse there when on the map.
Some actual bugs:

-Great helm gives more protection and requires more strenght than the Black helm (dunno if that's intentional tough, but black cuirass and greaves give better protection than their "standard" plate counterparts).

-Marnid and Borcha do not equip mittens, even if they have them in their inventory. Also, I've never seen NPCs wearing gloves or mittens.

-Iron skin still gives +2 health/level instead of +3 (as for description).

-Too many thick/reinforced/hardened armors and too many balanced/heavy weapons: usually just no more than one weapon/armor in the whole merchant's inventory has no "special properties". Oddly enough it seems than 90% of bows and crossbows instead are cracked or bent.

-Bastard sword damage seems unaffected if wielded 1h or 2h.

-AI still stucks on steep slopes, trying to climb them stupidly.

-If you're hit when backpedaling on a slope, you will slide backward with a jumping animation, and when you've reached the base of the hill (or a flat enough terrain) you take falling damage (usually ranging from 15 to 25 with a reinforced black armor). This happen both on "grey" slopes and on normal less-steep ones.

-NPCs keep throwing things (even rocks) from insane distances.

-Two handed weapons seem to have some collision damage on close distance. They sound a low "thump" (like a bashing weapon) and deal minimal damage (like 5-10 instead of the usual 40-50). This happen very frequently as opponents seem to like rushing *into* your char when they attack.

Some "I'd wish"

-Lighter xbows are useless as they are if used on horseback: too long reloading range, too little damage.

-Bash weapon damage output is really too low to be a viable choice other than capturing nobles for quests

-Polearm damage is still too low.

-Bardiche, double axe and great axe all possess too similar damage/speed/range to make a significant difference. Their only difference is aestethical, the same could be said for scimitair/broadsword/nomad sabre. 1h axes plainly suck instead.

-Prisoner ransoms seem to be more useless than before with the reduced economy. I know it's the same, but now it's even more evident.
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