
Post 3.0 bugs here please. My best advice to any and all of you. Save often and keep multiple saves just in case!
Martyran said:Illorian everwitch i started with a negative relation
not sure why ?
will start another character and see what happens
The blight i seem to be at war with
and the purple (sorry cannot remember there faction name)are friendly
tried 2 characters got the same result
and each charioteer started in the Ferron area training ground
maybe will re download and install or something ?
Munx said:Problem: Illorian: Quest 2: Deliver Materials to build site:
I choose Uhan as its village you are awarded when you join illorian.
How ever it turns out its near impossible to actualy finish it when choosing Uhan.
Why ? Basicly the problem is the spawn rate of the elsgard barbarians, they spawn faster then you can kill em and the caravan refuses to go anywhere near them, taken down nearly 2000 elsgard barbarians so far trying to get the silly caravan trough.
EDIT: Was able to get caravan trough after killing nearly 3000 of the filthy creatures.
I don't have any charioteers in the game, so I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Munx said:Bug: Wrath of Melathar: Illorian High Inquisitor.
It seems most Illorian units take damage from the aura with the exception of Inquisitors.
Martyran said:maybe charioteers should go into the suggestion box
Of course i meant characters
I will reinstall and restart the game to see if it repeats
Marche said:-AI is having some problems with skills. The BP still foolishly slowly advance to a heavy Archer army and initiates their Aura of Exhaustion usually around half-way when both Armies haven't even met yet, nor exchanged arrows.
-When you travel to Fulum (?), the only Green Town on that Feron Island (Where you have to do that Longgaze quest), you can't cross the ocean via the fastest route. Instead, you need to go around via Greeden etc. There is a small patch on the fastest route where you can't travel over / click on, forcing you to take the long way.
-Near Greeden, there is a bit of Ocean on Land and Land on Ocean (Hope it's not that hard to spot. Don't know how to say it else).
-Also, north of Fulum(?), if you cross the ocean, you can walk over water.
Munx said:Problem?Bug?:Inqusition:Grand Inquisitor:
He is Caputreable and recruitable, Doubt anyone as fanatic as him would join the filthy Planelords![]()
When you say the AI is slowly advancing, do you mean going forward and then stopping, going forward and then stopping, etc? That was the issue the Feron had and I fixed that by forcing them to always charge. It's caused I believe by the AI trying to keep their army together and setting all their troops to follow mode on their lord. Do I need to do the same with the Blighted Plague and make them charge always?
On the Skill issue, some of them like I said are smarter then others. The Exhaustion aura is on a timer. It kicks off when most of the cavalry or charging infantry would be hitting the front line. It's not all that useful versus archers/melee, but can devastate cavalry. It's hard to program a smarter way for them to operate it.
Marche said:When you say the AI is slowly advancing, do you mean going forward and then stopping, going forward and then stopping, etc? That was the issue the Feron had and I fixed that by forcing them to always charge. It's caused I believe by the AI trying to keep their army together and setting all their troops to follow mode on their lord. Do I need to do the same with the Blighted Plague and make them charge always?
On the Skill issue, some of them like I said are smarter then others. The Exhaustion aura is on a timer. It kicks off when most of the cavalry or charging infantry would be hitting the front line. It's not all that useful versus archers/melee, but can devastate cavalry. It's hard to program a smarter way for them to operate it.
Slowly advancing is indeed 'Going forward and stopping' etc. as you described. While the BP need an Army together, this tactic usually causes excessive casualties due them having no Archers (And thus the enemy usually responds by waiting at the Spawn and putting their Archers somewhere where they can pick off BP) However I don't know if Charging will be a better tactic, since the BP do have Shields that reduce casualties.
Yeah, due the above tactic the Aura of Exhaustion usually kicks in way too early.