Bugs and some suggestions

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Old Guard
Here I go...


Arena- while watching the battle I noticed you can shoot into the arena but not hit people, but you do hit horses.

Sometimes when I known that I'm not moving at max movement speed on the world map, I'll talk to one of my heroes and immediately I get it boosted to max again. Don't know what causes this, or if it's just that pathfinding is not always accounted for.

Suggestions: My apologies if there are duplicates elsewhere.

Vaegir/Swadian forces ignore deserters. Wouldn't there be some kind of resentment between the two?

Make a button to automatically fill your inventory with all the enemy loot. It would save some time and maybe have a function where you inventory slots would fill up according to what is worth most?

Everytime you pick up the ransomed girl, all she ends up doing until you finally get rid of her is divide xp between her and the rest of your party. And since you can't lvl her up, it doesn't help that she does get it.

Upgrade bows, they're weak as anything other than secondary weapons. Even counting the occasional headshot. There's no room to make a fully ranged based fighter.

Let merchants hire adventurers of comparable lvl (reputation) to accompany caravans. Sure, I can take on 40 dark knights and 20 hunters by myself, but I need 5 peasants to keep the caravan safe?

Is there some sort of code of honor amongst bandits? Shouldn't they be preying off eachother? Same goes for dark knights/khegs v. bandits.

If Borscha can convince you to have him join you, shouldn't all prisoners be able to be hired/convinced to join you as well?

Let followers have a last upgrade where they can become heroes (when you can hire/name them). It'd give something to look forward to and add a bit more fun to the game.

Add different weather effects that help/hinder everyone on the world map. There should always the occasional thunderstorm or blizzard to cause slower movement and worse sight.

Bandits will stop wondering through cities as if it's normal ground. Maybe instead have city bandits that confront a player when he enters a city?

Upgrade the arena. I'm sure someone has suggested this but I have some real suggestions. Ask the player how many enemies/allies it wants to fight with, opening up more challenging slots the more he/she has won. And give the oppurtunity for the fighter to have a random melee and ranged weapon to swtich between. And/or, add additional more challenging arenas in other cities.

Take away the pause function when you stop moving on the world map. I'm sorry, bandits will not stop in there tracks because you decided to.

Wearing or carrying less should increase your movement speed both in and out of battle. Goes for horse riding as well.

That's it for now, I'll be back with more.



I've heard that multiplayer is just about ruled out now. But I'm studying for my masters in computer engineering so hear me out.
-Adding a local/tcp-ip multiplayer feature where all the players are in the same group and being controlled by a single group leader on the world map or in town shouldn't be impossible. Some features you could add then would be in party chat. A voting system for who's to be leader. Information handler for multiplayer battles. Disabled movement control on the world map/in town when you're not the leader. Everyone having access to merchants/loot inventories. This might not be as fun as having everyone running around with their own parties, but you take away the problems of world map time.
Some interesting ideas and some I've seen before. Only one I'd tend to take issue with is:

Let merchants hire adventurers of comparable lvl (reputation) to accompany caravans. Sure, I can take on 40 dark knights and 20 hunters by myself, but I need 5 peasants to keep the caravan safe?

I don't think those manhunters are guards even if they have (currently) an aggressive sounding name. I get the sense they're actually the drovers and drivers of the wagons lending a hand. Scruffy fellows toughened by the road but not real warriors. That's your job.
Alot of good suggestions, but alot have been mentioned. First, bows are by no means underpowered. Actually if you ask me, they're overpowered. Late game a headshot is pretty much a kill, and 2-3 body shots if you don't hit the head. And considering how fast you can fire it, and the fact that its ranged makes it more effective than melee quite often. Except against those pesky guys with shields. Mounted archers are so in need of nerfing its almost funny...you can easily take out a full party of dark hunters solo without taking a single hit. Just get your archery up to level 150 or more and then tell me bows need to be more powerful. Also, i fail to see why the pause feature needs to be "fixed". Would you really rather them just add a pause button that you had to hit every time? Auto-pause makes me happy.
OddjobXL said:
I don't think those manhunters are guards even if they have (currently) an aggressive sounding name. I get the sense they're actually the drovers and drivers of the wagons lending a hand. Scruffy fellows toughened by the road but not real warriors. That's your job.

Hehe, I wasn't saying that it was their job. I was saying that I, Borscha, and Marnid; though only 3 to a party, can take down a full troop of dark hunters without breaking a sweat because we're all so high lvl. While on the other hand, the 5 peasants I had to hire on the spot to get the six troops I needed for the caravan would have a little harder time.

DaLagga said:
, bows are by no means underpowered. Actually if you ask me, they're overpowered. Late game a headshot is pretty much a kill, and 2-3 body shots if you don't hit the head. And considering how fast you can fire it, and the fact that its ranged makes it more effective than melee quite often. Except against those pesky guys with shields. Mounted archers are so in need of nerfing its almost funny...you can easily take out a full party of dark hunters solo without taking a single hit. Just get your archery up to level 150 or more and then tell me bows need to be more powerful.

Hmm... Never bothered getting archery after my first ranger just kick the dirt. Maybe I'll give it a try. Haven't met an archer that could beat my Sword of War, i'm dealing 80-160 damage each hit with warrider damage.

DaLagga said:
Also, i fail to see why the pause feature needs to be "fixed". Would you really rather them just add a pause button that you had to hit every time? Auto-pause makes me happy.

If you need to pause, there's the escape key. But point taken.


I've heard that multiplayer is just about ruled out now. But I'm studying for my masters in computer engineering so hear me out.
-Adding a local/tcp-ip multiplayer feature where all the players are in the same group and being controlled by a single group leader on the world map or in town shouldn't be impossible. Some features you could add then would be in party chat. A voting system for who's to be leader. Information handler for multiplayer battles. Disabled movement control on the world map/in town when you're not the leader. Everyone having access to merchants/loot inventories. This might not be as fun as having everyone running around with their own parties, but you take away the problems of world map time.
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