Bugged achievements

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A lot of achievemnts in this game are bugged for me. I bought the game on steam, and im kind of bad at multiplayer so i joined a game killed 1 enemy so my stat was 1 kills no deaths. 2 minutes were left so i went to the spawn and remained there until the game ended. but i didnt got the achievement: Every breath you take. Also in the achievement where you need to defeat 10 armies on a snowy area i cant get it either i killed like 20 groups of bandits on snow but the game only counted one. Are these achievements bugged or there is something that i'm doing wrong?
i could be that cheat mod or edit mod is on. if it is on that is why stream won't giving you the achievements
oh bollocks, i had to teleport once so i wount fail a quest, and i left it on. But i still dont understand why is that included in multiplayer.
Because it's all part of the same game, silly. :razz:

The only achievement that is bugged is the Last Stand one. Fun fact: you can do all the other achievements against bots if you create your own server.
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