Bug within starting the game :D

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When i click the Mount&Blade-icon on my computer so the game doesn't start. I dunno what matters, could someone tell me?

I have Windows XP Home Edition.
Hmm. Check the shortcut. If its ok, try directly opening the exe from your install folder. If still doesnt work, re-install (and re-download if you are using the same file you dl'ed before)

That is what i can think of but i guess this is the windows routine <.<
I have also had this problem with other games, as has my friend, the reason it happend to us is because we didnt have high enough system specs... Maybe your specs arent good enough to even start the game.
My computer specs:
1700+ Celeron :roll:
128 mb DDR
120 gt hard disk
Windows XP Home edition

I have the DirectX 9.0c or what it is. The newest.
Try closing down all programs running in the background.

Quickest way to do this:

1. Unplug your internet connection (trust me, you want to do this)
2. Go to start > run and type MSCONFIG. Hit enter
3. On the window that appears, click on the tab in the upper right labelled startup
4. Click 'disable all' at the lower right of the window. Click ok
5. Restart when prompted and try the game

If this works then something is running in the background which is preventing the game from starting. Try running through the list of apps on the startup tab and check them one at a time to identify it.

It would also help if you could give us the name of your graphics card
Also you may try this:
Go Start>Run and type dxdiag and hit enter. You'll see different tabs and tests there. Check on them. If it happens on other games maybe its with Direct X. See if there are any problems. Maybe re-installing may help.

But im not sure if directx problem would show up before a game is opened.
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