Bug Reports: 1.54

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I have a thing ( think its a bug). when i play then in 5 mins i conquer a castle and then like hordes of enemys coming :shock: like King Harlaus 2000 troops and hes lords (500 troops)  :cry: is it a bug or ... ?
Odd, I made peace with the Khergit Khanate no problem after taking out a lord on my own accord with no problems.
fine enough :grin: ``Btw while saying game freezes its like i can move prompt and click but cant pass through chats . Is it clear ?
I have an odd set of bugs that might be a poor install however it started with on certain occasions dialogue options would appear blank even though they worked with the proper answers on them however if i went back lets say to the guild master after seeing him with blank dialogue options he would have them back to normal, so overall it wasnt that big of an issue however once i attempted to convert some lords that had a moderate relation to me (~14) while they were in a prison in one of my cities i got a blank dialogue option and then one to say i must go. I picked the blank one and it acted as if I had completed an intrigue quest, set their relation to 100+their original and then subtracted 2. It is the oddest thing, and I was able to repeat this with the other captive and even the same captive by talking to them and picking the blank option. I wonder if anyone else has had something like this happen before.
Yeah, I seen the strange behaviors that happened when talking to lords. I have a couple lords in my current game that underwent that and my relation to them is a 100. I don't know if it is bugged in this build too, but in the past whenever I did a spy quest where I have to look for someone and give the phrase at a castle, the informant is never found. So if this coincides with another bug I notice, no surprise there. In towns and villages, there is nobody walking around during the day.
when i start the game first fight in town..well..we cant kill each other we deal no dmg to eath other so i cant go in to the game!!so what to d0?
So I installed this mod last week, and I have to say that I absolutely love it!  :grin:

But I have a rather annoying bug: When I get into a battle with over 300 soldiers I get like 73 of my guys and 227 of the enemy. I have set the number of units on the battlefield to 1000, but still it only gives me 300 in total. Some times less  :sad:

Also, there is no reinforcements and when I besiege a castle I only have to fight 200 of the usual 1000+ defenders.
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