Bug Reports: 1.171

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Grandmaster Knight
Please submit bug reports for version 1.171 here.

Bug report guidelines:

1.  If it involves a consistent engine crash:
A.  Have you updated Warband to 1.131 yet?
B.  Try turning your battle sizes down.  Blood and Steel has higher resource requirements than Warband.  Not by a huge amount, but it all adds up.
C.  If that doesn't work, try turning music off.
D.  If that doesn't work, try DirectX 7 rendering.
E.  Turn off Realistic Weather, by clicking Camp, Mod Options, Realistic Weather: OFF.
F.  If none of that works, report a bug.
G.  If you're reporting a bug, hunt down your RGL log, take a screenshot, or otherwise try and tell me as much as possible about what went wrong and when it happens.

2.  If it's gameplay related (something acts funny, or does something illogical, but the game runs), it's probably something I can fix. 
A.  Let me know what it is.
B.  Let me know how to reproduce it, if possible.

3.  If it's just something you don't like, it's a Feature Request, not a bug.

4.  Bugs are normal parts of building a big project.  Please don't flame me, I'm working for free here :smile:
New version :cool:

I tried that improved Mercenary Archer class and found that unique bow very difficult to shoot. Very powerful, yes, but the targeting reticule starts to expand before it's even possible to release the arrow, and if you wait a second... not a chance.
I guess it's because Power Draw is not in use in B&S

I couldn't resist using infinite camp and waiting Death Knights to arrive. If you play Mommy and are closing 45th day, prepare to RUN 
Can't wait Steffen tells us how he desteroyed five or so their armies before breakfast :wink:

btw, why I couldn't found those Death units from module.troops.py?
I second that bow issue. It is powerful, yes, but quite impossible to shoot - if you try to follow your enemy movement and shot where he will be ( so not a "frontal" shot), the bows cross wil grow so fast, its impossible to hold your fire even for a short while. Since you kept archer class and dindt go for some rifleman, as we asked you, i guess you like the idea of being bowman, but frankly, bow issue, at least for me, is in aiming rather then in power (you can hold a rifle aimed for as long as you need, bow needs to be shot instantly and this makes it awfull for players (me)).
The bow's easy to use, once you get the rhythm.  What you need to remember is that  even with high precision, you're going to do best hitting an area target, preferably from a horse.  You need to pick a target before you draw, and you're going to miss a lot if you're riding- getting your Horse Archery up ASAP is a big deal with the archer character.

As for adding a firearms-oriented character, I'll certainly think about it for the next version; the big issue is giving them all the extras that make them more than a little less one-dimensional.  I thought about building a Pistolero archetype, or an Inventor (think crazy excuses to do all sorts of silly stuff), but that will have to wait.  I think that the Merc. Archer and Sergeant are finally worth playing for their own sake, though, so I'm happy with that.
Using 1.17. Just started as a Male Revolutionary and for some reason every faction is instantly hostile to me? My faction relations are 0 but I can only sneak into towns and war parties are following me round the place. Even if I am a peasant revolutionary I'm probably not notorious yet so why?
The looter parties are insane. Where did a little bunch of bandits get about 45 people from? And the starting peasant revolutionary club is absolutely useless against the starting bandit. I assume that if you were whacked round the head with a heavy piece of wood it might hurt a little especially if you were only wearing a leather tunic. Even the stones did more.
nath9091 said:
Using 1.17. Just started as a Male Revolutionary and for some reason every faction is instantly hostile to me? My faction relations are 0 but I can only sneak into towns and war parties are following me round the place. Even if I am a peasant revolutionary I'm probably not notorious yet so why?
The looter parties are insane. Where did a little bunch of bandits get about 45 people from? And the starting peasant revolutionary club is absolutely useless against the starting bandit. I assume that if you were whacked round the head with a heavy piece of wood it might hurt a little especially if you were only wearing a leather tunic. Even the stones did more.

uhm, feature requests?
PR's supposed to be like that. 

You're a notorious rebel and you've openly announced your intentions to destroy the ruling classes.  You are marked down, and all 'legitimate rulers' will oppose you.  You're like Lenin- everybody would like to see you dead, preferably sooner than later.

Basically, when I say, "don't play PR on Mommy unless you like dying a lot" I'm not kidding  :mrgreen:  If you don't like the challenge, try one of the other classes- PR's not supposed to be "fair", it's deliberately difficult.
Might be a bug.... so like everytime i get a good campaign going this thing pops up that forces me to quit out and start a new game.... its called a "version update" or something like that... i'm kidding of course but i really wish these updates were save game compatable so i can rule the world already haha. Also, 72 rocketeers against 200+ massed enemy at night = the coolest death charge i've ever seen. almost felt sorry for them.
xenoargh said:
PR's supposed to be like that. 

You're a notorious rebel and you've openly announced your intentions to destroy the ruling classes.  You are marked down, and all 'legitimate rulers' will oppose you.  You're like Lenin- everybody would like to see you dead, preferably sooner than later.
Yet, they always seem to take you prisoner, not kill you outright...
I don't quite get how I'm a notorious rebel. I am armed with a stick which is completely useless at damaging anything, fifty stones and have absolutely no followers. It'd be kind of like if I thought the UK should be a Republic and the Queen and all the Royal family instantly knew who I was and were trying to kill me. Lenin at least had some following and influence. At the start of being a PR you have all of nothing. You get 500 money from the starting merchant and that is it. Even the city guards know who I am. IMO if you start as a PR you should have crappy equipment and money but not every faction hating your guts from the start. You are essentially a peasant. A peasant with ideas, yes, but still essentially a crappy peasant.

I updated my warband version and blood and stell and the money disappaered from store ouch and with the old savegames the guild maste is the horse guy...
First of all I want to say I like the feeling of this new version, especially the new reload animation for rifles/cannons :wink:

I'm trying the new version in a fast manner, already imported old lvl 40 char and added money to try everything, I found a missing texture bug at vendors -
nath9091 said:
I don't quite get how I'm a notorious rebel. I am armed with a stick which is completely useless at damaging anything, fifty stones and have absolutely no followers. It'd be kind of like if I thought the UK should be a Republic and the Queen and all the Royal family instantly knew who I was and were trying to kill me. Lenin at least had some following and influence. At the start of being a PR you have all of nothing. You get 500 money from the starting merchant and that is it. Even the city guards know who I am. IMO if you start as a PR you should have crappy equipment and money but not every faction hating your guts from the start. You are essentially a peasant. A peasant with ideas, yes, but still essentially a crappy peasant.
first of all the club is not that useless, u can kill the bandit in the beginning, its really easy actually (unless he takes out his sword, then u r dead xD), the easiest place to defeat him is in Shariz, just charge him as soon as he gets to the stairs, kick him and then hit him with ur club, continue doing that and eventually u will kill him, plus read the description of every class before u start
With the new version of the mod and Warband, I decided to try the PR.  I've done ok so far, 2 castles and 1 town under my banner, but I'm having a problem.  My forces are attacking each other.  I routinely see my patrols fighting each other, and I just got a message that Lord Nizar has started raiding one of our towns.  When I talk to him, he acts like nothing is wrong.  Now he's stopped raiding the town to chase one of our patrols.

Chall T. Dow
One problem that is still on is casualties counter. Could you take a closer look at that? I saw my men die in a battle to be resurrected after it. Its really hard to keep an overview of your forces in this (how many did i loose? what quality?) if both ingame messages and afterbattle overview are messed.
well, i was talking more perma-death if a lord captures you..

and yeah, i dont think ive ever successfully gotten through the ally battle
Crtcus said:
One problem that is still on is casualties counter. Could you take a closer look at that? I saw my men die in a battle to be resurrected after it. Its really hard to keep an overview of your forces in this (how many did i loose? what quality?) if both ingame messages and afterbattle overview are messed.
When your troops rout during battle they show up as killed. That's why sometimes you appear to lose more than you actually did.
I don't quite get how I'm a notorious rebel. I am armed with a stick which is completely useless at damaging anything, fifty stones and have absolutely no followers. It'd be kind of like if I thought the UK should be a Republic and the Queen and all the Royal family instantly knew who I was and were trying to kill me. Lenin at least had some following and influence. At the start of being a PR you have all of nothing. You get 500 money from the starting merchant and that is it. Even the city guards know who I am. IMO if you start as a PR you should have crappy equipment and money but not every faction hating your guts from the start. You are essentially a peasant. A peasant with ideas, yes, but still essentially a crappy peasant.
Actually, there's a backstory behind all that, but other things have kept me from ever finishing the game stuff that is necessary to portray it.

Basically, at the start of the game, before the characters are under your control, there was a failed attempt at rebellion.  The Brigand, Merc Archer, and PR were on the side of the rebels; the others were on the side of the lords.  The PR was a leader in the failed uprising, and it's why he/she is marked down for destruction. 

I wanted to actually put players through that experience, and get rid of the alley scene entirely, but time hasn't permitted yet.

Anyhow, that's the story behind what's happening.
Steffenximus said:
When your troops rout during battle they show up as killed. That's why sometimes you appear to lose more than you actually did.

Thats how it was in 1.165. But i took a closer look at it here. I SAW my men being killed in a combat, they were hit, they fell, gamelog popped up a message "swadian maceman was killed by taiga footpad" or similar - i counted 11 dead and 8 unconscious, and afterbattle resume told me i lost 2 men and got 7 knocked, and thats what actuallly happened to my army.

Another place, another battle - we fought desert bandits; only men i lost in a battle were my companions and then my self. About half of my men routed, but the rest was able to win. Afterbattle resume told me i lost noone, only those companions were knocked.

And one more - i fought quite an army of mixed bandits (two groups joined from a wood where i didnt saw them until engaged), in here, i dont know exact numbers of loses and knockeds, but this time, i had Jeremus and over 3/4 of my men lost were only knocked. But i also got knocked, a lot of my men routed, and i lost a first round (quite close). I won second final round, but when i looked at my army, over half of my men was gone...

So there is definitely more then simple "routed men counts as casualties, but they are not".
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