Bug or feature?

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I've noticed that when you leave combat? your ammo (actually bow arrowes) is fully replenished. So you don't need to buy any more arrows. Just one pack of them. Is that a bug or a feature?

And one more bug (this one is definetly a bug). If you press and just hold RMB your character will block all enemy attacks. I checked it. There is no way an enemy can hit you.
Living_One said:
I've noticed that when you leave combat? your ammo (actually bow arrowes) is fully replenished. So you don't need to buy any more arrows. Just one pack of them. Is that a bug or a feature?
That's a feature. :smile:

And one more bug (this one is definetly a bug). If you press and just hold RMB your character will block all enemy attacks. I checked it. There is no way an enemy can hit you.
Didn't quite get what you mean. Do you mean your char can block even when your character is unarmed?
Well, yea, be more specific. You mean that can block attack from all directions? With weapons or shield?
And it makes sence that, once you end combat, you'll retreive all arrows from the corpses of enemies.
On the other hand... if you'll RUN from combat, they should NOT. That'll fix cheatly Hit&run tactics for an archer. (Hit&run on global scale, I mean).
I'd like to know how you can run from a fight? If someone approaches me, the only option I have is to attack (with or without allies). Or can you run away in a fight?
You can run to the edge of the field and, when proper message appears, leave the battle. But if there are too much enemies, or they are faster - they can cut your way of escape... that means, all-in-all, that you are screwed :smile:. But since you cannnot die for real here, it's not THAT bad. They, usually, don't take a lot.
Or, if you put a bit of distance between you and the others you can press tab and just leave that way.
Didn't quite get what you mean. Do you mean your char can block even when your character is unarmed?

What I mean is that my char automaticalli blocks ALL enemy attack.
In Tutorial it is said that "You must watch your opponent carefully and start to block AFTER he starts his attack". But in the game if you press and hold BOTH left and right mouse buttons you char will automatically block all enemy attack with any weapon..
Sorry, I wrote it wrong in the first post, if you just hold RMB everything is fine, but with holding to mouse buttons toghether there is a bug.
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