Resolved [Bug] NPC Lords recruit from destroyed villiges when in player-army (screenshot)

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Summary: NPC Lords can recruit from destroyed villiges when they are in a player-army

How to Reproduce
: When you create an army and go to a destroyed villige (not near the villige, you have ti click on it so your army is IN the village) the NPCs will recruit soldiers from it while the player obv cant do that

Quest/Settlement Name (if related): /

Media (Screenshots & Video):

Version: e.1.1.0
Hello, thank you for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, we weren't able to respond to this topic when it was first created.
Are you still experiencing this issue on the latest live or beta versions of the game? Please leave a reply below.
Hi, I will mark the issue as resolved. If you encounter the same one in the latest version, please let me know. Thanks!
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