Bug (New): Siege Tower: Units Idle

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Summary: All melee units involved with siege towers stand idle and give each other hugs, giving all bowmen free opportunity to pick people off.
How to Reproduce: Any siege using Siege Towers.
Quest/Settlement Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video): https://gyazo.com/5cab8d5c72705606014c7839208fcb50
Version: e1.1.0.226038
Installed community-made modifications: None
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 10
GPU: GeForce GTX 1080
CPU: i7-6850k
RAM: 32 GB
Motherboard: X99-Deluxe II
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): 1 TB HDD x1, 500 GB SSD x1

The bug might have something to do with the units thinking that each other are unreachable.
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