Forum Bug/Issue/Error Reporting

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After you login on the main website and then follow this link, you get a 404 error?
Give it another try and let me know if you still have problems.
When I click on that link it brings me to I'll then click on my account->login, put in my username and password, then I get
Page Not Found
The link you clicked may be broken or the page may have been removed
I can't get my Old Guard badge here in the forum even when I was here since 2011. Do I need to do any actions? I was expecting this to add to my profile by itself.
When I click on that link it brings me to I'll then click on my account->login, put in my username and password, then I get
Page Not Found
The link you clicked may be broken or the page may have been removed

Hello @Janus ! I have the same problem

#Edit: Now it works, I can login and acces My Games

But.. it gives 404 when I try to add games. Only for Viking Conquest worked
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Reported this a couple of months ago.
The header images for News articles on the TaleWorld's website are not responsive.

This is what they look like on a 1920x1080 display:
Reported this a couple of months ago.
The header images for News articles on the TaleWorld's website are not responsive.
Confirmed that this happens between display width 992px and 1550px. I've made sure the dev in charge of the main website is aware.
I just tried to send this to the helpdesk and got "Couldn't post your support request!" as an error.

My error is I get a 404 error every time I try to log in to the taleworlds website.
Hey everyone! First of all congrats on the launch. Bough the game and enjoying it - huge fan here since forever.

I found a pretty annoying bug in game. Where can I report it, please?

Hey everyone! First of all congrats on the launch. Bough the game and enjoying it - huge fan here since forever.

I found a pretty annoying bug in game. Where can I report it, please?


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