Resolved Bug in siege

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Yes, I used mods.
Conducting a siege: Message says "You are besieging townname" "You are commanding to besiegers"
Tooltip for "Lead and assault" says "You are not in command of this siege"
Happened more than once
How to Reproduce:
Have you used cheats and if so which: no
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU Driver Version:
CPU:Intel i5
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):yes

Only one mod: "Governors resolve issues"
Hey, we do not offer support for the mods or modded games. Can you try to reproduce the issue on a new campaign after manually removing all the mod files and verifying the integrity of the game files. If the issue is persistent on a new, unmodded campaign please share your save file and screenshot of the issue via Ticket. To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
honestly, i find applying the "no mods" rule blindly bull****, but hey, replicated it in vanilla
AI Army joining Player Started siege causes partial loss of control. additionally AI will never start the assault while player is present
How to Reproduce:
1)assemble a decently sized party and pack a lot of food
2)start a kingdom or join an existing one
2b)if you started your own, recruit some clans
3)start a war
4)siege a city
5)wait for an AI army to join the siege
6)wait until the war ends
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
OS:Win 10
GPU:GTX 1060 6GB
GPU Driver Version:
CPU:AMD Ryzen 5 1400
Motherboard:cant remember
game version 1.1.3
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):OS is on an SSD, game on a HDD
will attach a save before and during the bug once i figure out how. is that via tickets?

Many threads already about this. It may be a change that hasn't been implemented yet or a change that isn't working. If you go to a different screen & come back though sometimes it tells you who the actual commander is.
Hey, i have been informed that the issue you have mention on the thread is fixed and the fix should be applied with further patches. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
I cannot believe that Tale Worlds is wasting time on ANYTHING else at all while this bug is still making it impossible to play the main campaign as the product is intended.
I’m not running any mods on my PS5.
I cannot satisfactorily play on until the patch is available, every other campaign player will be in the same boat too.
Tale Worlds has been saying for some time that it is fixed but the fix was not applied with the last patch.
With all due respect there is nothing else as important as fixing this and if it is a matter of just posting the fix I am bewildered as to why this hasn’t been done. It’s bad enough that the sieges are eternally stalling without the developers doing the same thing.
Please post the patch today.
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