[Bug] Game crashes when killed after end of round

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This just happened to me twice in a row. When playing siege, we had successfully defended the castle. The message '<faction> has successfully defended their castle!' shows, then there is a few seconds left to play. After that, the game officially ends, making ready for the 'Next round starts in ...' screen.

Now, it happened twice that I got killed at the very last instant of the game, so JUST before the 'next round' screen, after wich the game froze and crashed with an invisible message. Both times I was killed by a projectile. So my guess is that when a projectile is fired/thrown just before the round end, and the round ends while the projectile is in mid air, it can still hit someone AFTER the official round end, which causes the crash. The solution is probably to freeze all projectiles at the end of the round.
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