Bug Fixes

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This mod is far superior to the released game, and it ruined any other mods for me. However, probably due to my computer, I have had a number of problems.

I have been playing this mod on an older laptop. I have encountered a notable number of crashes/freezes which are not present in the vanilla version of the game. Here are a few solutions which I have not seen posted:

1 - Random crashes when entering areas, saving games, or accessing battlefields which you did not create.
                Solution: Dramatically increase virtual memory. After doing this all those crashes disappeared.

2- After day 300,  I encountered random freezes. I would reload, take a few steps, and the game would freeze again.
                Solution: This is caused by bloat on the strategy map. The solution is to kill a large number of independent/bandit groups. Clearing  up a  large number of groups on the map will stop the freezing. After a few hundred more days, this process needs to be repeated.

3- Random crashes during battles.
                Solution: Turn off rag dolls.

4- Day 400+ save corruption. I haven't tinkered with this yet. However, I suggest every few days you save and exit, then reload to make sure the save is good. Also every 20 days or so make a backup of a good save.
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