[Bug][0.623b]I'm getting strange bonuses to skills without any companions

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          I'm playing 0.623b from nexus and noticed that I'm getting strange + bonuses to skills in the party screen. I tested it out making a new character and cheat to level up a certain skill for example Surgery. I boosted Surgery up to level 8 but in party screen it shows "Surgery ( 8 )(+3)" without any skill books or companions at all. I'm all alone by myself so it couldn't be bonuses from companions either. It applies to all party skill. For example, if I boost Surgery or other skills to 10, it shows (10)(+4) without any companions or skill books in my inventory.
I'm a bit late to answer this question, but this is just vanilla Warband skill bonuses. You receive a bonus to party skills based on the level of your skill. You receive a +1 from having that party skill at two, +2 from five, +3 from eight, and a +4 at ten.
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