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That's right, I got a BSOD today while playing mount and blade. I wasn't able to read it, as I don't the remember where the option to make a pause on the BSOD screen is... ( Did not have a BSOD since 2-3 years though )

I was in a village ( a Nord village near ambean, don't remember the name. )
I start a conversation with a peasant.
Just when I press the key, some artifacts and the sound looping ... But as it stopped in less than a second I don't think it's a video card malfunction ( When my 7600 GT died some years ago, it was kinda different ) But I'm not sure.
I made an Overclock two months ago, but it went well, the temps are cool and the VCORE too. OCCT did not find any problems during an 1 hour test. Also, I think that if the problem was from the processor, the crash would have been different ( when the processors reaches a high temperature, windows aero stop the game and launch low power mode, if I remember well. Also, it would shut down my computer differently.
So the problem is probably the RAM.... But I have 4 Go of OCZ @ 1066 mhz ( well a little bit more since the OC ) to 2V ( DDR2 ), my processor and my motherboard are able to handle it, I think. So, a dll failure?
Can't help more, I'm gonna giving my specs:

HD 5870 2Go VRAM on a 24" screen
Processor: E8500 core 2 duo, OC @ 4227 mhz ( The original frequency is around  3.16 ghz I think )
Ram: DDR2, OCZ 4go @ a bit more than 1066 mhz to 2V in the bios. Dual channel.
Motherboard: ASUS P5Q pro
Power case: ANTEC earthwatts something ... 650 W , 99%

Warband: maximum graphic specs, battlesizer to something around 480.
Kaspersky, though he wasn't running while MnB was.
Steam. I play Warband on steam.
Latest ATI driver and catalyst... So yea I have the graphical bug but I don't think it's related
My Razer drivers were running, I think.
I'm on 7 x64.

I have a zalman 9900 LED on my processor and my computer case is not bad. I'm not giving you the name, as you would have false infos: I customized it a lot.
Processor: One day, the processor reached 76 Celsius degrees ( 168.8°F I think? ) but it's unusual. It was one second in OCCT ( + summer and dust ) and the maximum was usually 74°c. OCCT is the only software that makes the processor reaching that temp, and I think a processor is only too hot above 80°c. In idle, the processor is under 40°c because of the intel technology which underclock the processor when not used.
My GFX card reaches 53°c when in IDLE, but the fan speed is to 21%. I did not tested the temps while in game, because I know that my old 4870 used to be hotter and if I remember the temps were not as good ( But acceptable )

So... what do you think?

EDIT: by the way, I played MnB for years without having this problem on every OS I had. I'm actually using CCleaner to clean the register and all, I will reboot, search some errors... I will say you if something is wrong again.

There are a few possible reasons for that:
1. The ram could have been out
2. The game is fragmented (try to defrag it, or reinstall it, i prefer reinstall since it is faster and more reliable)
3. Viruses, spyware, malware... run a full PC scan, they often do a bsod.
4 Last but not least, a corrupted driver .dll, reinstall your GPU drivers.

Hope i helped!

P.S. Overclocking RAM is not a good idea! It is very unstable and could break it. OC ing CPU's is ok if the temps are ok. Best if you could turn all overclocked things back to normal, it is known that it causes instability in games (Fallout 3, Oblivion).

P.P.S. DO NOT USE CCLEANER!. It can very easily delete important registry files! It happend to me not a long time ago. Search youtube for Ccleaner and watch the critics in the comments. When you want to clean your registry, do it by hand with regedit...never trust programs!

- When I use Ccleaner I look at every entry before fixing it.
-The RAM is not Really OC.The VCORE is the only thing that can go wrong and it's only above 2V ( I'm at 2V, an the frequency is around ... 1077 mhz instead of 1066 )
-An overclocked processor can only have 2 stability problems after an OC, I think: Temps, or low VCORE.
My VCORE is fine as I tested it for 1 hour without any problem, and the temps are too. So I think it's stable.
-I'll defrag the game.
-I scanned my PC yesterday, in every way I can. Only one maleware, I erased it.
-I don't think a dll can be corrupted as steam downloaded the driver and I can't receive it corrupted... But since some drivers, I have a problem: I use a display port and my screen is HD. Whne I plugged the screen as HD for the first time, my 1920 x1080 res did not fill the screen. It was resolved, then the problem came back I don't remember when. Now, I must start the catalyst and close it again to have the good resolution every time I boot... Though this problem did not disappear with the new driver.

I will try some things.
Iv000 said:
It happend to me not a long time ago. Search youtube for Ccleaner and watch the critics in the comments.


If you're taking program advice from youtube comments, you're beyond help.

Anyway, Karel: Drop the ram frequency. Generally, do NOT go above the stated number. Drop down one.

Calodine said:
Iv000 said:
It happend to me not a long time ago. Search youtube for Ccleaner and watch the critics in the comments.


If you're taking program advice from youtube comments, you're beyond help.

Anyway, Karel: Drop the ram frequency. Generally, do NOT go above the stated number. Drop down one.

Ok, but if I drop, I will have a really low ram frequency ( far under 1066 mhz ) Is there a way to desynchronize the ram and the processor? ( Also It shouldn't make problems I think as I augmented the RAM vcore )
Calodine said:
Iv000 said:
It happend to me not a long time ago. Search youtube for Ccleaner and watch the critics in the comments.


If you're taking program advice from youtube comments, you're beyond help.

Anyway, Karel: Drop the ram frequency. Generally, do NOT go above the stated number. Drop down one.

You just insulted me and whole youtube.
Do you think youtubers are stupid?! Did you really had to make such a comment?
I am not a robot, i have feelings too.
You probably didn't even talk to a person on youtube, or you were speaking with kids.
Short said: If you are insulting people over a forum, you're beyond help.

Sorry, if i overreacted but "beyond help" sounds to me like "you're mentally retarded"...

P.S. Were in a tech support forum and i tried to help the guy out. While your first reaction was to insult me, and then help him out.

Iv000 said:
Do you think youtubers are stupid?!


Karel: Dropping the frequency once should only put it around about 1000 Mhz, maybe SLIGHTLY under. Though it doesn't make all that much difference anyway.

It's worth trying, at least. If it fixes it, great. If not, you're down a minute or so of time.
Yeah, that's your best bet. My graphics card dying etc stopped after a while.

If it does happen again, and for some reason you're frequency drops from 170ish to 800ish in one jump, then just lower your overclock slightly to bring the ram in line.
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