Brytenwalda won't install properly to Mod Folder. Assistance PLZ..

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Nerdy Anarchist

Okay, so I've installed Floris, Floris Evolved, Anno, and now I want Brytenwalda, But dot dot dot. It refuses to INSTALL CORRECTLY; & YES I install it to my WARBAND MODULES FOLDER. The problem is, it doesn't create the Brytenwalda main folder in the module. It just unpacks it all directly in the modules folder. I've tried creating the Brytenwalda folder myself, but of course it was a useless idea. I've tied downloading it from,, and even I've downloaded it with the installer, and I've downloaded the .rar version as well. But all to no avail. I'm not an idiot(as far as I know, but that's for the judgemetal to decide). It's really damn annoying.. The Dev's website for Brytenwalda is now an invalid address. I can't find any help anywhere online for this exact problem. Assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'll give you a virtual "Hazzah" and also a high five virtually if necessary. Woe is this guy.. Booo farking Hoo, right?
your mod folder name doesn't matter, it will just be the one you will see on the game launcher

call it "BW141", "Brytenwalda", "Something", "ThatVikingMod"

then put all the normal files and folders inside it

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