Thorgil said:i want that theme from "scenes of the dark ages" IN GAME!
Thorgil said:i want that theme from "scenes of the dark ages" IN GAME!
DOMA_ said:A new vid for Imperium Romanum
That's cool. Nice soundtrack. Not much fighting though, only at the very endDOMA_ said:A new vid for Imperium Romanum
DOMA_ said:A new vid for Imperium Romanum
Stark88 said:
A Video of Imperium Romanum I made a while back. I didn't put as much effort in as with some of my other M&B videos, perhaps I'll do a re-work.
teg5511 said:I'm gearing up to make a full on Let's Play of Brytenwalda, with the goofy premise that I'm immortal (read: highlander) to account for the many, many times I'll be split open with an axe, as well as to differentiate it from my LP of With Fire and Sword, where I deleted my character when he "died" for the first time on the field.
The first episodes should be popping up on youtube in about a week or so.
In a blatant disregard for historical accuracy, I'll probably be splicing in some footage from the first Highlander movie, which takes place almost a full millenium after this mod. Would a few mild live-action anachranisms prevent it from being suitable for this thread?