Brytenwalda Repolished 1.05 (updated July 15/2015)

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Since the submods have the same code, this is one question I will try to step in for even though this is Bruj's responsibility.
Do you get any error messages in your rgl_log? I recall seeing that problem once in a while, but it doesn't persist.
The easy solution is to cheat and hit F4 to kill the floater at the end of battle.
If you provide more detail, I can post it on the Forge.
Does it happen with certain types of battles?
On certain battle maps or on all terrain types?
This is the most likely cause: a bad scene setup.
Custom battle maps have features like: bridges, old monolith stones, overhead warnings with a K to remove them.
Otherwise, they are random battle maps.
gdwitt said:
Since the submods have the same code, this is one question I will try to step in for even though this is Bruj's responsibility.
Do you get any error messages in your rgl_log? I recall seeing that problem once in a while, but it doesn't persist.
The easy solution is to cheat and hit F4 to kill the floater at the end of battle.
If you provide more detail, I can post it on the Forge.
Does it happen with certain types of battles?
On certain battle maps or on all terrain types?
This is the most likely cause: a bad scene setup.
Custom battle maps have features like: bridges, old monolith stones, overhead warnings with a K to remove them.
Otherwise, they are random battle maps.

Those all are  random battle maps for now. I dont get any  log errors. Its  just  im riding my horse  and i get  stopped in a place  where  i shouldnt be....
and  about battle maps... Well it seems it happen on certain "random battle maps" i never  use  cheats so i wont use  them. For me only  way  to win battle is to  kill those  who i can  and then just  tab (loose the battle and morale)  and  go to next  battle till noone  will still standing ;P

Im certain its  mod  fault cuz i dont remember  problems like that in brytenwalda but i may be wrong also i think im experienced Mod user i have like 30gb's of mods  'manually installed" in my skyrim version and  same goes  for  M&B and Warband. i played  PoP, Nova Aetas, BW, AD 1257 and virtually every mod for warband where is  used sword :smile:

To wrap it up ill just  say that  it must be something wrong with this mod and if someone  is able to repair  this i would be obliged  but if not ill become Brytenwalda eventually even with this persistent bug :smile:
Is the horse running into things in the middle of the battleground?
Or are you near the edge?
The actual border of the battle map is wherever the enemy disappears, not the edge that you see.
If you are running into unseeable barriers in the middle, then that's an issue I can try to research.
Also, what submod of Brytenwalda are you playing?

gdwitt said:
Is the horse running into things in the middle of the battleground?
Or are you near the edge?
The actual border of the battle map is wherever the enemy disappears, not the edge that you see.
If you are running into unseeable barriers in the middle, then that's an issue I can try to research.
Also, what submod of Brytenwalda are you playing?

Im playing this  Brytenwalda repolished i think newest version 1.05
yes im getting invisible walls in the middle of the battleground. Well its more like invisible rocks. It looks like im stopped by particular part of the grass or rock even if  this  rock or gras isnt visible. There are things where  i dont see anything before me and my horse  stops in an instant, its  a problem in a heat  of  the battle cuz then enemy worriros  can overrun me easly :smile: Pls  tell me is it possible  noone ever reported  anything similar? I have  hard  time believing noone ever  had  this problem :wink: This cant be problem of performance cuz im playing 750 men strong battles in Viking Conquest reforged edition.
As I mentioned on another thread, I believe some of the in-battle issues may be due to the use of polished landscapes.  I don't think PL was ever really optimized for Warband, much less Brytenwalda.  In know that Hidole and some others made some fixes for PL in Brytenwalda but I don't know if those fixes were used in Repolished or Reworked or even if they fixed all the problems.

As much as I like the look of PL, it doesn't work so well on my mediocre computer and does have some issues.
Bruj or Redleg,
Where can I ID the changes from repolished landscapes and test them versus the old mod?
What files were added or modded?
i want to add that  problem with enemies  going  out the border occuring also in sieges. For example while besieging Capitol of Cantware one of  enemy soldiers started  to jumping from right  to left of the siege scene with extreme speed and he  did  so behing buildings so it was  hard to kill him but my  skirmisher units managed  to take sucker down :wink:
gdwitt said:
Bruj or Redleg,
Where can I ID the changes from repolished landscapes and test them versus the old mod?
What files were added or modded?

The original Brytenwalda graphic pack addon adds the following resources:
and the associated texture files.
I think that Bruj and Kaggrim and others made some changes to some of these for the Repolished mod.  It looks like Reworked has some of the re-done brfs. 

As for the speedy troops, I know this has been discussed somewhere on the Brytenwalda forum.  I recall seeing a suggestion that changes to the battle map size might contribute to this but I don't know first hand.
Thanks Redleg.
I would guess its an animation file issue as I've been having trouble with that lately.
It is possible that something has changed with the Warband engine with the Viking Conq upgrades and I need to rename my animation files to match Natives' to get things to work right.
Also, I've seen some unbelievable things when one line is missing or named wrong.
Flying horsemen.
Second guess is that it's a scene issue with a lack of entry points.
I still don't know which submod is being played and haven't seen it much personally.
The workaround is easy enough to reach. C-F4 they guy.
gdwitt said:
Thanks Redleg.
I would guess its an animation file issue as I've been having trouble with that lately.
It is possible that something has changed with the Warband engine with the Viking Conq upgrades and I need to rename my animation files to match Natives' to get things to work right.
Also, I've seen some unbelievable things when one line is missing or named wrong.
Flying horsemen.
Second guess is that it's a scene issue with a lack of entry points.
I still don't know which submod is being played and haven't seen it much personally.
The workaround is easy enough to reach. C-F4 they guy.

I have seen the speedy enemies in Repolished too so it may not be from anything you added.  I don't recall if I ever saw them in Brytenwalda 1.41.  It's been a while since I have played it.  Good luck with everything.  I like what you have done so far and plan on starting a new campaign once you get your latest version finished.
I guess this is the thread to ask in, since this is the submod I play with, so here goes: Is there any way at all to make it possible to stop raiding a village and run off? I've not played Brytenwalda in ages, but felt in the mood for it, and I'd like to be able to play a proper raider without being locked in for half a day in case the whole of the enemy host decides to show up.
TheFlyingFishy said:
I guess this is the thread to ask in, since this is the submod I play with, so here goes: Is there any way at all to make it possible to stop raiding a village and run off? I've not played Brytenwalda in ages, but felt in the mood for it, and I'd like to be able to play a proper raider without being locked in for half a day in case the whole of the enemy host decides to show up.

You could install my little subsubmod, that has it integrated and I seem to remember it's save-cmpatible with 1.05. Or you could try to find Caba 'drin's moving while raiding guide and attempt to integrate that.
Have you seen any recent source or text-file fixes for this?
Is this an issue in VC?
I added Caba's script to the source files for Reworked here:
(1,  [      (ge,"$g_player_raiding_village",1),
        (neq, "$g_player_is_captive", 0),
        #(rest_for_hours, 0, 0, 0), #stop resting - abort
      # (else_try),
      #  (map_free), #we have been attacked during raid
      #  (assign,"$g_player_raiding_village",0),
        (this_or_next|party_slot_eq, "$g_player_raiding_village", slot_village_state, svs_looted),
        (party_slot_eq, "$g_player_raiding_village", slot_village_state, svs_deserted),
        (start_encounter, "$g_player_raiding_village"),
        (rest_for_hours, 0),
        (party_slot_eq, "$g_player_raiding_village", slot_village_state, svs_being_raided),
        (rest_for_hours, 3, 5, 1), #rest while attackable
        (rest_for_hours, 0, 0, 0), #stop resting - abort
  #cabagdw per,148290.msg3568597.html#msg3568597
      (store_distance_to_party_from_party, ":distance", "$g_player_raiding_village", "p_main_party"),
        (gt, ":distance", raid_distance),
        (str_store_party_name_link, s1, "$g_player_raiding_village"),
        (display_message, "@You have broken off your raid of {s1}."),
        (call_script, "script_village_set_state", "$current_town", 0),
        (party_set_slot, "$current_town", slot_village_raided_by, -1),
        (assign, "$g_player_raiding_village", 0),
        (rest_for_hours, 0, 0, 0), #stop resting - abort
        (ge, ":distance", raid_distance / 2),
        (jump_to_menu, "mnu_village_loot_continue"),
      (try_end),    ]), 
I'm not sure that script is working. I tried it several months ago and it didn't seem to help.
Not seen any updated ones I'm afraid. What you have there looks ok to me. Have you tried doing the optional changes for rest_for_hours to rest_for_hours_interactive in the first trigger and in module_game_menus? I think that's what I did when I implemented, can't be sure though as my notes are incomplete and a mess.
kraggrim said:
TheFlyingFishy said:
I guess this is the thread to ask in, since this is the submod I play with, so here goes: Is there any way at all to make it possible to stop raiding a village and run off? I've not played Brytenwalda in ages, but felt in the mood for it, and I'd like to be able to play a proper raider without being locked in for half a day in case the whole of the enemy host decides to show up.

You could install my little subsubmod, that has it integrated and I seem to remember it's save-cmpatible with 1.05. Or you could try to find Caba 'drin's moving while raiding guide and attempt to integrate that.

Neato! Thanks.
I can confirm that Caba's mod works in Reworked so it should be working in Repolished as well. You can probably copy the numbers over if you like doing things that way.
One feature that Caba's mod misses is that the raid keeps on going when you flee.
In a script I adopted from Floris, the raid stops as soon as you are about 2.5 cm from the village.
Was the 'Try to Seduce ...' feature removed in this mod from the original? My companions always say they 'don't have time for this pay'.

If yes, is there a way to reintegrate it? It sounds like it'd be an interesting mechanic (for one thing, relation gain needs more than just tossing money at them).
It's still in there in all the BW mods.
Maybe someone turned off the success settings.
It's all based on a random roll plus morale variables.
I got a couple of questions...running Repolished from an old save, I don't want to move to reworked until I end this game.

I have Aedh in my party. The issue is, I'm pagan (germanic) and I intend to spread the faith. Oh, and raid monasteries. Aeth is a christian monk. Is it going ot cause trouble?

I can't start the Biblia Vulgata quest. AFAIK it should start in Oxford (however it's spelled ingame), but the option is missing. I suppose it's because I'm pagan, but not sure.

Edit: one more thing. I noticed I could recruit Friesian troops from some villages. Are those any good?
Is the module system for Brytenwalda Repolished available?

I am trying to add new companions, but it seems impossible to do it through Morgh's editor or by manually editing mod's txt files.
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