Brytenwalda Repolished 1.05 (updated July 15/2015)

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I just started playing Brytenwalda 1.05 and it's a lot of fun, so thank you.

I do have a problem where I cannot reach the village Pen Rhionydd. I get close to it but my party keeps trying to move there without being able to interact. Any fixes?
Jagr said:
I just started playing Brytenwalda 1.05 and it's a lot of fun, so thank you.

I do have a problem where I cannot reach the village Pen Rhionydd. I get close to it but my party keeps trying to move there without being able to interact. Any fixes?

Kraggrim or another modder might have an improved map that deals with this type of problem.  You might find it by searching this board since I don't recall all the specifics.
I fixed this problem for Adderyd back in March.

I tried a number of things, but just moving the village in module_parties fixed the access issue.
Does anyone here know how to use the map editor program?
The "new" repolished map from 2013 still has quite a few buggy features.
gdwitt said:
Send a message Brujoloco about 1.06 through your "My Messages."
I would like to hear from him myself as I've been PMing him for some time.
The submod includes most of the graphical improvements of Repolished 1.05 and is currently savegame compatible if you know how to pick files in your Module folder.

Hi! i am currently almost without time to go back for the time being to the mod due to RL  and wow, I have 42 Messages in my inbox haha, will try to steal some more company time to snoop a bit.

Will try to answer what I can from the messages but telling that for the time being 1.05 is on an extended leave.

I have still some small scene fixes for ambushes where trees pop sideways still that was thinking of uploading in the future as 1.05A to the steam workshop, but as usual no ETA.

From what I saw from Kraggrims fixes his submod is a nice addon and is a nice alternative to continue "patching" 1.05 :smile:

I will keep working on 1.05 but slowly very slowly :dead: so bear with me, this is a hobby haha!

I dont want to give ETA´s as they are fickle, but rest assured Im working it still.

Gdwitt and Krag´s work is very interesting and if you NEED more improvements I recommend their work heartily!
It's great to see you back Bruj.
Even though I am working on another submod version, there's so much work to do on Brytenwalda that cooperation with any fixes with benefit all.
I work mostly on scripts and dialogs; Repolished has focused to this point on enhancing the graphical experience for players.

I would like to see those new scenes you are advertising.
The mod download pages I see still say Dec, 2014.
Can you provide a link to the latest work?
Is there any way to turn on additional information in assigning fiefs menu? I mean relation with specific vassal and number of fiefs which vassal currently have (with types). It is life saver in ACOK and i think its part of diplomacy mod, but im not an expert in those things. I would really appreciate some help with that.
I could add it in given source code.
Ask the fellow at ACOK if he would mind pointing to any source code or OSP pack that makes this feature possible.
gdwitt said:
I could add it in given source code.
Ask the fellow at ACOK if he would mind pointing to any source code or OSP pack that makes this feature possible.,162267.30.html Found an information about it in this changelog (under new features tab), I will try to contact creator of ACoK in this matter as you requested :smile:

#edit: This is link to repository with source code of those changes, maybe it will be any help to you. I will try to take a look at those python files and find anything but as i said, my knowledge in this matter is really basic :sad:

#edit2: From what i have read from this topic all those changes should be in new diplomacy mod 4.3 so maybe original Brytenwalda mod uses outdated diplomacy mod? This is only my conclusion cus i dont really know which version is implemented in Brytenwalda/Brytenwalda Repolished. Link to 4.3 repository:

#edit3: In ive found this piece of code:

##diplomacy start+
    (str_clear, s0),
	(str_clear, s1),
	(try_for_range, ":troop_no", active_npcs_including_player_begin, heroes_end),
			(eq, ":troop_no", active_npcs_including_player_begin),
			(assign, ":troop_no", "trp_player"),
		(assign, reg0, -1),
		(call_script, "script_dplmc_store_troop_is_eligible_for_affiliate_messages", ":troop_no"),
		#	#cheat mode: for debugging, add spouse's relatives
			(ge, "$cheat_mode", 1),
			(lt, reg0, 1),
			(troop_get_slot, reg1, "trp_player", slot_troop_spouse),
			(is_between, reg1, heroes_begin, heroes_end),
			(call_script, "script_dplmc_troop_get_family_relation_to_troop",":troop_no",reg1),
		(this_or_next|ge, reg0, 1),#affiliate
		(this_or_next|eq, "trp_player", ":troop_no"),#self
		(troop_slot_eq, "trp_player", slot_troop_spouse, ":troop_no"),#spouse
		(str_clear, s1),
		(str_store_string, s0, "str_dplmc_s0_newline_s1"),#add blank line to start
		#Vital stats for each.
		#first, name and relative status:
		#(str_store_troop_name, s44, ":troop_no"),
		#	(eq, "trp_player", ":troop_no"),
		#	(eq, "$g_player_affiliated_troop", ":troop_no"),
		#	(str_store_string, s3, "@affiliated family member"),
		#	(troop_slot_eq, "trp_player", slot_troop_spouse, ":troop_no"),
		#	(call_script, "script_troop_get_family_relation_to_troop",":troop_no","trp_player"),#reg0 gets strength, s11 gets name
		#	(str_store_troop_name, s3, "trp_player"),
		#	(str_store_string_reg, s2, s11),
		#	(str_store_string, s3, "str_s3s_s2"),
		#	(call_script, "script_troop_get_family_relation_to_troop",":troop_no","$g_player_affiliated_troop"),#reg0 gets strength, s11 gets name
		#	(str_store_troop_name, s3, "$g_player_affiliated_troop"),
		#	(str_store_string_reg, s2, s11),
		#	(str_store_string, s3, "str_s3s_s2"),

		#	(neq, "trp_player", ":troop_no"),
		#	(str_store_string, s44, "@ {s44} (s3}"),#s60: {name} (troop's relative)
		#(str_store_string, s43, "str_s43_s44"),#add line
		#next, location
            (this_or_next|eq, ":troop_no", active_npcs_including_player_begin),
			(eq, ":troop_no", "trp_player"),
			(str_store_string, s1, "@{playername}"),
			(call_script, "script_get_information_about_troops_position", ":troop_no", 0),#s1 = String, reg0 = knows-or-not
		(str_store_string, s0, "str_dplmc_s0_newline_s1"),#add line
		#next, relation:
			(neq, "trp_player", ":troop_no"),
			(call_script, "script_troop_get_player_relation", ":troop_no"),
			(assign, reg1, reg0) ,
			(str_store_string, s1, "str_relation_reg1"),
			(str_store_string, s0, "str_dplmc_s0_newline_s1"),#add line
		#next, troops
			(neg|troop_slot_eq,":troop_no", slot_troop_occupation, slto_kingdom_lady),
			(neg|troop_slot_eq,":troop_no", slot_troop_occupation, slto_inactive),
			(troop_get_slot, ":led_party", ":troop_no", slot_troop_leaded_party),
            (ge, ":led_party", 0),
			(this_or_next|eq, ":troop_no", "trp_player"),
			(gt, ":led_party", 0),
			(party_is_active, ":led_party"),
			(assign, reg0, 0),
			(party_get_num_companions, reg1, ":led_party"),#number of troops
			#(assign, reg2, "$g_dplmc_terrain_advantage"),#save parameter
            #(assign, "$g_dplmc_terrain_advantage", 0),#avoid wierdness
            #(call_script, "script_party_calculate_strength", ":led_party", 1),            
            #(assign, "$g_dplmc_terrain_advantage", reg2),#revert preference
            (str_store_string, s1, "@Troops: {reg1}"),
			#(str_store_string, s44, "@Troops: {reg1} (strength estimate {reg0})"),
			(str_store_string, s0, "str_dplmc_s0_newline_s1"),#add line
		##next, fief (only display lack-of-fiefs if a kingdom hero)
		#(call_script, "script_print_troop_owned_centers_in_numbers_to_s0", ":troop_no"),
		#(str_clear, s12),
		#	(this_or_next|ge, reg0, 1),
		#	(this_or_next|troop_slot_eq, ":troop_no", slot_troop_occupation, slto_kingdom_hero),
		#	(eq,":troop_no", "trp_player"),
		#	(try_begin),
		#		(eq, reg0, 0),
		#		(str_store_string, s50, "str_no_fiefss12"),
		#	(else_try),
		#		(str_store_string, s50, "str_fiefs_s0s12"),
		#	(try_end),
		##next, fiefs
		#(assign, reg0, 0),
		#(str_clear, s50),#second-most-recent owned center
		#(str_store_string, s50, "str_dplmc_none"),
		#(try_for_range, ":center_no", centers_begin, centers_end),
		#	(party_slot_eq, ":center_no", slot_town_lord, ":troop_no"),
		#	(try_begin),
		#		(ge, reg0, 1),
		#		(str_store_party_name, s51, ":center_no"),
		#		(str_store_string, s50, "str_s50_comma_s51"),
		#	(else_try),
		#		(str_store_party_name, s50, ":center_no"),
		#	(try_end),
		#	(assign, reg0, 1),
		#(str_store_string_reg, s44, s50),
		#(str_store_string, s43, "str_s43_s44"),#add line
	  ("lord_relations",[],"View list of all known lords by relation.",
		(jump_to_menu, "mnu_lord_relations"),
	  ("jump_to_dplmc_lord_relations_2", [
		(assign, ":any_lords", 0),
		(try_for_range, ":active_npc", heroes_begin, heroes_end),
			(troop_slot_eq, ":active_npc", slot_troop_occupation, slto_kingdom_hero),
			(troop_slot_ge, ":active_npc", slot_troop_met, 1),
			(store_faction_of_troop, ":npc_faction", ":active_npc"),
			(this_or_next|eq, ":npc_faction", "$players_kingdom"),
				(this_or_next|eq, ":npc_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
				(faction_slot_eq, ":npc_faction", slot_faction_leader, "trp_player"),
			(val_add, ":any_lords", 1),	
		(ge, ":any_lords", 0),
	], "Show lords of player faction and numbers of fiefs", [(jump_to_menu, "mnu_dplmc_lord_relations_2")]),
       [(jump_to_menu, "mnu_reports"),
    (try_for_range, ":active_npc", heroes_begin, heroes_end),
		(troop_set_slot, ":active_npc", slot_troop_temp_slot, 0),
	(str_clear, s1),
    (try_for_range, ":unused", heroes_begin, heroes_end),
		(assign, ":score_to_beat", -100),
		(assign, ":best_relation_remaining_npc", -1),
		(try_for_range, ":active_npc", heroes_begin, heroes_end),
			(troop_slot_eq, ":active_npc", slot_troop_temp_slot, 0),
			(troop_slot_eq, ":active_npc", slot_troop_occupation, slto_kingdom_hero),
			(troop_slot_ge, ":active_npc", slot_troop_met, 1),
			(store_faction_of_troop, ":npc_faction", ":active_npc"),
			(this_or_next|eq, ":npc_faction", "$players_kingdom"),
				(this_or_next|eq, ":npc_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
				(faction_slot_eq, ":npc_faction", slot_faction_leader, "trp_player"),
			(call_script, "script_troop_get_player_relation", ":active_npc"),
			(assign, ":relation_with_player", reg0),
			(ge, ":relation_with_player", ":score_to_beat"),
			(assign, ":score_to_beat", ":relation_with_player"),
			(assign, ":best_relation_remaining_npc", ":active_npc"),
		(gt, ":best_relation_remaining_npc", -1),
		(str_store_troop_name_link, s4, ":best_relation_remaining_npc"),
		(assign, reg4, ":score_to_beat"),
		(call_script, "script_print_troop_owned_centers_in_numbers_to_s0", ":best_relation_remaining_npc"),
		(str_clear, s12),
			(eq, reg0, 0),
			(str_store_string, s50, "str_no_fiefss12"),
			(str_store_string, s50, "str_fiefs_s0s12"),
		(str_store_string, s1, "@{!}{s1}^{s4}: {reg4}  {s50}"),
		(troop_set_slot, ":best_relation_remaining_npc", slot_troop_temp_slot, 1),
	  ("lord_relations",[],"View list of all known lords by relation.",
		(jump_to_menu, "mnu_lord_relations"),
		#(this_or_next|troop_slot_ge, "trp_player", slot_troop_spouse, 1),
		(is_between, "$g_player_affiliated_troop", heroes_begin, heroes_end),
		], "View affiliated family member / spouse report.",
           (jump_to_menu, "mnu_dplmc_affiliated_family_report"),
       [(jump_to_menu, "mnu_reports"),
    "In the traditional medieval society depicted in the game, war and politics are usually dominated by male members of the nobility.  Beacuse of this, a female character can face initial prejudice, and some opportunities open to men will not be available (although a woman will also have some opportunities a man will not).  Some players might find distasteful, so if you want you can ignore that aspect of society in Calradia.^^You can later change your mind through the options in the Camp menu.",
      ("dplmc_start_prejudice_yes",[],"I do not mind encountering sexism.",
         (assign, "$g_disable_condescending_comments", 0),#Default value
      ("dplmc_start_prejudice_no",[],"I would prefer not to encounter as much sexism.",
         (assign, "$g_disable_condescending_comments", 2),#Any value 2 or higher shuts off sexist setting elements
         (jump_to_menu, "mnu_start_character_1"),
	  ("go_back",[],"Go back",
##diplomacy end+ 

It MAY be this cus i see some phrases like [#Vital stats for each. #first, name and relative status] then few lines below [##next, fief] which may suggest that but it as well may be something different (lack of knowledge, im searching blindly cus i only understand explanations with # XD)
I searched around the relevant scripts in Floris and BW menus, scripts, etc.
Those script are in floris and Diplomacy 4.3 but no traces are in BW.
It should not be too hard to add but it wouldn't be until late next week in the Reworked submod as I'm working on some bigger fixes.

Repolished is a text-file only submod.
The creator takes text files pieces and copies them into his code.
This causes things to break much of the time so he focuses on graphical improvements.
Once I add and compile this to my submod, he might be able to add it into his mod, but the chances are less than 30% for success.

Thank you for the research work on this!
gdwitt said:
I searched around the relevant scripts in Floris and BW menus, scripts, etc.
Those script are in floris and Diplomacy 4.3 but no traces are in BW.
It should not be too hard to add but it wouldn't be until late next week in the Reworked submod as I'm working on some bigger fixes.

Repolished is a text-file only submod.
The creator takes text files pieces and copies them into his code.
This causes things to break much of the time so he focuses on graphical improvements.
Once I add and compile this to my submod, he might be able to add it into his mod, but the chances are less than 30% for success.

Thank you for the research work on this!

No problem really, you are already doing a lot of work to improve this mod.  Great and thanks for information, I'll look forward into your update then! :grin:
Bruj likes to archive with 7zip.
It's more reliable (no corrupt files) but you need to look it up and download the special unpacker.

Bruj, please check in and give us an update on your progress.
Got it to work. I already have 7Zip, but the files were WinZip format.

I would recommend setting the archives to .7z files in the future to avoid this.
So I started playing BW, decided to pick Repolished as it seems to be most stable release. A few questions though...

Is the Pict body painting (the one from Pict king) any use, or is it just joke item?
How much renown do I need for the master smiths and Gae Bolg quest?
I did the Rare ruins thing, when I wiped them out I got a message to speak with the prisoners and leave. Couldn't find anyone that I could talk to, so I eventually left via tab. Did I mess something up?
Is there any way to find reach of throwing weapons when used in melee?

Thanks for any answers...
Repolished is a mix of text pastes from other mods and BW 1.41, so no one can answer your questions.
However, 141 is the closest thing.

In BW141, the pict king does give you a warpaint skin which has enhanced qualities like Onuist and Ciniod.
However, it disappears once you don any other body armor.

In my latest submod version reworked, the warpaint actually increases your agility, power throw and stamina even when wearing another armor.

In BW141, I think you need 500-600 renown to access master smiths. It's probably the same with Repolished.
In BW Reworked, it's set at 400 right now. The master smiths are now master merchants who features imported items in a special inventory.

In the rare ruins quest, the ending is kind of dead in BW141. You leave with some a cheap sword and armor and the hostages don't move.
In BW Reworked, the hostages are actually part of Virio's party and you free them.
You get some very unique loot and when you go back to Virio he gives you a special quest item.
No need to conquer London for his silly sword.

Gae Bolga: I forgot to record the values in BW141 in my source code. You can download and look it up if you need the exact value.
I believe it's between 500-600 renown.
In BW Reworked, it's 440.

Throwing weaspon: Equip companions with only spears and put them in a group.
Give your weapon to a companion and start a battle encounter. Call formation for that specific group separate from the others.
Your companions that have a spear should line up in order allowing you to see how the items compare.

Otherwise, go into itemkinds1 and look up weapon length. Most javelins are length 60 and the throwing spears and angons are length 100 in Reworked.
I didn't change this from BW141 yet.
I don't know what repolished did with them.

It turned out to be 500 or bit over for both Gae Bolg and smiths. Well, thanks for the answers, few more popped in my head.

The tournaments...when I win, I always get a message that they apologize for not having any gift for there any condition for it, or is it random, and what can I get?

The druid place (ancient stones) there some kind of quest? Didn't find what is it, except for converting to their religion....

And just a bit about AI, is it worth giving companions long spears (gonna give them horses), or are they useless with those like in vanilla?
Tournament special prizes are given out randomly and are not based on your renown or something else.
I believe it's a 10% chance or less.

The druid place has a bizarre sacrfice of a prisoner that happens immediately after you press a button.
You pay 1000 to participate in a sacrifice after you choose to convert to celtic paganism.
You then have a 28% chance of permanently losing intelligence or charisma, a 14% chance of gaining 1 intelligence and the rest is no gain.
I would stay away from it.
It's a central quest in BW Reworked and you might ruin the surprise if you tried in the traditional format.
In BW Reworked, you can keep your old faith and get quite a few other benefits if you do one of the three options.

The AI seems to work well with medium spears (170-190) on horseback except when they get in melee.
Long spears I haven't tested enough to tell you. They do not work unless the  AI on horse really is in skirmish mode. They are best for chasing down other horseback troops.
They have a trigger to switch to swords after 10 seconds in melee, but I haven't seen it work too well. They die within 5 seconds once they enter a cluster.
In BW Reworked there are 3 levels of flails which are essentially very slow swords at 112 length.
These are far better for companions who like to enter melee on horseback than either longswords or spears.
I've only seen the princep sword (mid-tier) and the elite wolfskin mail coat.
Any suggestions? I can add certain kinds of items and make them appear more frequently.
I've been poking around, saveloading to see some rewards. So far, I got Princeps sword, Wolf lorica (different looking than the one from smiths) and best of all, Greek Armoured Horse.

I've poked into cheatmenu to see various items and noticed some interesting bows and axes that I haven't seen anywhere in game yet. Also...there are some shields in game that I have never seen for sale-nobleman and king round shield-but got one from cave I think...

BTW, the things I can get from tourneys, quests and master smiths (at least in 1.41/Repolished) don't get modifiers, right?
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