Bringing the World to life..

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Sergeant at Arms
As we all now, Calradia is a pretty quiet place. We barely know anything about it. What we do know, however, are many small details, names, factions, technology.
Probably some of you know what a forum-RPG is. It is, basically, a continual story written by anyone who wants to join taking the role of one character. I personally think that this would be quite an idea to bring Calradia to life or at lease give our characters some personality - perhaps inspire Armagan a little? :smile:

What do you think?
Aye, If anyone finds it feel free to post it here, I tried to search for it too when I saw this but had no luck. Altought I don't really mind it if you start a new one here either since the other one is very well hidden
Actually I would also believe that there must have been something like this before.. but apparently it simply disappeared. Would be a good chance to restart it, wouldn't it?
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