
I think it would be really cool if the lances would break during battle, adding much more realism. After so many uses, the lance should break causing the person to have to pull out their sidearm. It could be like how a shield works. After each battle the lance breaks it is weakened just a bit until it breaks for good. I believe this would add alot more realism to the game, and take some of that unbelievable power out of lances. Those things are just unGODLY when you learn how to use one. The only time I won't use a lance now is if my horse is killed under me, and since I have a charger with 36 armor, that doesn't happen often. Anyway, just a suggestion.
Sorry if this idea has been posted, did not feel like scrolling through every single post to find out
Sorry if this idea has been posted, did not feel like scrolling through every single post to find out