Breakable shields as castle doors

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Sorry about this. I'm just about the worst person to make this sort of suggestion.

There's been discussion about a "siege mode", whereby you get to attack / defend a castle.

Now I know this isn't anywhere near practical (what with NPCs getting blocked in and all), but it got me thinking.

Could you make the castle door as a super-sized shield?
ie: it stays in place & blocks everything until it takes enough damage, at which point it breaks, opening the way to fun, carnage and the like.
lol, probably doable
also, you could make a crappy attempt at a siege by having the defenders and attackers in positions where they cant possibly get stuck of confused
like put all the melee defenders just behind the gate, with low railings or something to keep them from straying
put all the archer defenders on the battlements where they can see out
put attackers in front of the gate, and possibly some stones, trees, etc to sort of guide them towards it

the gate itself could be something like an NPC with a mesh resembling a gate and wieghted down with so much crap that it cant move.. or maybe a normal mesh but carrying a shield that looks like a gate..
Would love to see proper seiges done, but alas currently we can't.

I was trying to make just such a battle, but often even if your spawn point is on the wall the characters spawn on behind and infront in a circle around that spawn point. hmm... If you put multiple spawn points for the same number would the forces be split up?
Yeah, just make the door mesh as an item with the Shield type, give it a low armor rating and you're set. Same thing could be done with other things of course.
smaug_the_dragon said:
I was trying to make just such a battle, but often even if your spawn point is on the wall the characters spawn on behind and infront in a circle around that spawn point. hmm... If you put multiple spawn points for the same number would the forces be split up?
If you give certain guys their own spawn points, this shouldn't be a problem. You can of course set equipment and so forth (such as temporarily giving bow and arrows, removing horse and other equipment, etc.) for an entry point number in "". If you need a bunch of troops, just have the rest spawn at other entry points. You can use up to 32 entry points (0-31).
not sure if the door/shield would work the way you want. It's a good idea for breakable objects, but I see 2 problems. the AI won't attack the door. 2nd, like with the battlements and castles I added, you may be able to walk throught them. Of course this point will probably be voided soon by Lurb and his new importer/exporter.

If you made it a character, maybe? like the lone soldier that's there when you go into camp mode to edit the battle trerrain. When we can make different meshes for the characters, maybe we can stick one as the door with massive HP. Then we'd need a battering ram that could be used on the door.
The chest on the battlefield is considered an unattackable NPC, right? Couldn't the door be like that, only attackable?
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