Brave people out there...

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Whats the bravest thing you've done on mount and blade?
Mine was: Me, Borcha, Marnid ,7 Vaigar peasant, 4 footmaen And 2 veterans against Swadian war party (71)
Borcha K.O straight away, all peasansts killed, 3 footmen killed 1 K.O, 1 veteran killed and 1 lived, and us 2 beat the hell out of 'em! :twisted:
my daily routine includes taking on warparties of 100 men alone.
although i succeed in these fights it's mostly done by exploiting the AI.

it gives a nice Braveheart feeling to ride alone against twenty kniggets and just before contact sink a javelin in a poor fellows head.

what i would say is my bravest deed so far... taking on a party of 40 sea raiders alone. since i rely greatly on my horse it's always a risk to take on a bunch of raiders who more then gladly throw alkinds of sharp things at you.
The bravest thing i've ever done was jump into the lake near my cottage to save a distressed non-swimmer.

Oh did you mean in the game.... my mistake.
okiN said:
I slaughtered a party of 80+ peasants/peasant women using nothing but a balanced knife. I threw rocks at the pretty ones so I could take them with me for later.

I <3 Mag7.

how do you attack peasents?
I routinely tell my party to sit still like good little babies while riding off to take out some dark knights/hunters. Only the few that get past me and make it to that hilltop do my party take care of.
Samikus said:
Whats the bravest thing you've done on mount and blade?
Mine was: Me, Borcha, Marnid ,7 Vaigar peasant, 4 footmaen And 2 veterans against Swadian war party (71)
Borcha K.O straight away, all peasansts killed, 3 footmen killed 1 K.O, 1 veteran killed and 1 lived, and us 2 beat the hell out of 'em! :twisted:

id say very impressive.. but probably it is not since youre some level 2000 or about?
Me,Marnid and Borcha take on 190 Swadian deserters.I fought two battles then left ,healed and then finished them off.
I took down a Sea Raider War Party (Mag7 Mod - between 80-100 Sea Raiders, Berserkers, and Chieftans) at level 8 with only a handful of troops (Caravan Guards, Mercenaries, and Hired Blades) - about 15 (the maximum I could have).

The character is a foot-archer - 0 riding skill. Battle size was set at about 1/3 of full. We fought about 6 waves of 'Raiders, retreating four times to heal. The toughest enemies were the beserkers - no armor, but they move really fast and do massive damage with their 2h swords/axes. By the end I was level 14.

The loot, however, was sadly lacking. :roll:
o yeah, i forgot
i took out 99 river pirates(one band) before the last one knocked me unconcious and stole ma' food
i was level 3 at that time and... yeah
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