Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade

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Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade

We are the Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade. We do artillery in Mount & Musket for the Prussian Army specifically. The Prussian Army is missing an Artillery regiment so we are filling the gap.

Our Captain is the illustrious Bricks.
I am Lieutenant bobik.

Our other members include:
Sergeant-at-Arms AcidicPlague
Master of the Latrine AlabasterSlim
Rope-maker Blackbelt
Chief Reconnoiterer Boka
Regimental Keeper of the Cannon Balls BrianINF
Master Chef cell
Regimental Chronicler CHKilroy
Color-Sergeant Claymore
Crier Liaison Darkminion
Expert Widdler doubleplus
Indian Tracker Dslyecxi
Civil Affairs Officer eska
Gunnery-Sergeant 1st Class Doubleumc
Bonesetter Frenchie
Admiral FriedFish
Camp Follower Hailthefish
Royal Cocker Hunterhr
Clerk of the Guard Human Shield
Royal Dyke Master of Orange Jefke
Tuba-man JRCobra
Regimental Flutist Juice
Chaplin KaiserPanda
Sergeant-Major kevb0
Moose Yeoman ManiK
Regimental Guide Medve
Chief Water-bearer Macolik
Gunsmith 2nd Class Oakley
Tent-maker Purgatory
Private Redkid
Stable boy Silent
Symmetry the Spaniard
Balloonman WaterIsPoison
Aide-de-Camp Wonky
Zacho... hes a horse

At this time, we are not looking for members.

History of Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade
The regiment was formed when Captain Bricks decided he wanted to play Mount & Musket and said "hey you guys do you want to play Mount & Musket" and so the regiment was formed about an hour before the US Line Battle event on February the 11th, 2011.

On February the 25th, the BAB made a name for themselves with their fierce volleys against the enemy. Upon entering melee, the regiment broke down into a group of nonsensical ninnies, but once formed up in line with loaded muskets, they were able to defeat the enemy with disciplined volley fire.

We're coming back.
Awesome! Good luck guys! I can't wait to witness your blistering volleys, that, as I told Kilroy, I can't believe you are able to pull off.  :lol:
See you guys in NW, and maybe even next Friday  :wink:

EDIT: And if you haven't seen it already, check out this thread:,223999.0.html
You might find it slightly familiar.


Can I schedule a date witchu guys? Half of my men in the 24th want to do a joint-LB with you against someone, as we all died laughing at Kilroy's stuff.

"He needs morphine.... and epinephrine!!!!"

Couldn't do it, I died.
Get a mustache. - GET A MUSTACHE!!oeneo1!1one

Trim that beard. - TRIM THAT BEARD!!eoneoen1!

Nevertheless, good luck in the DLC lads. Always enjoyed watching your videos.
Who got the promotion for killing the hussar fkb in that video you posted  :lol:
Not much experience in line battles but i watched CHKilroy's videos of BAB so as tribute i wrote you a poem...of sorts

Moustaches are cool Moustaches are legit
if you don't have a moustache GTFO and QUIT!
and trim that ****in beard

Regiment Brawl? Regiment Brawl?
everybody circle up and kick em till they fall
only one thing to fear in the regiment right here
and that's 10 bloody kicks from the Captain to your rear

hope this is enjoyed
I was really bored

Not particularly familiar with Napoleonic Wars but I've played a lot of warband and have grown a little tired of swarms of shirtless khergits ignoring the objective round after round. I realise that you aren't currently looking for members but I'd appreciate if you could add me to some sort of waiting list, been looking for a fairly organised regiment that isn't too deep into historical re-enactment serious business to have some fun for a while now and really think that I could be a good addition to your regiment. (Obviously I have vent / teamspeak and would be willing to play pretty much every night of the week)
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