Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade
We are the Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade. We do artillery in Mount & Musket for the Prussian Army specifically. The Prussian Army is missing an Artillery regiment so we are filling the gap.
Our Captain is the illustrious Bricks.
I am Lieutenant bobik.
Our other members include:
Sergeant-at-Arms AcidicPlague
Master of the Latrine AlabasterSlim
Rope-maker Blackbelt
Chief Reconnoiterer Boka
Regimental Keeper of the Cannon Balls BrianINF
Master Chef cell
Regimental Chronicler CHKilroy
Color-Sergeant Claymore
Crier Liaison Darkminion
Expert Widdler doubleplus
Indian Tracker Dslyecxi
Civil Affairs Officer eska
Gunnery-Sergeant 1st Class Doubleumc
Bonesetter Frenchie
Admiral FriedFish
Camp Follower Hailthefish
Royal Cocker Hunterhr
Clerk of the Guard Human Shield
Royal Dyke Master of Orange Jefke
Tuba-man JRCobra
Regimental Flutist Juice
Chaplin KaiserPanda
Sergeant-Major kevb0
Moose Yeoman ManiK
Regimental Guide Medve
Chief Water-bearer Macolik
Gunsmith 2nd Class Oakley
Tent-maker Purgatory
Private Redkid
Stable boy Silent
Symmetry the Spaniard
Balloonman WaterIsPoison
Aide-de-Camp Wonky
Zacho... hes a horse
At this time, we are not looking for members.
History of Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade
The regiment was formed when Captain Bricks decided he wanted to play Mount & Musket and said "hey you guys do you want to play Mount & Musket" and so the regiment was formed about an hour before the US Line Battle event on February the 11th, 2011.
On February the 25th, the BAB made a name for themselves with their fierce volleys against the enemy. Upon entering melee, the regiment broke down into a group of nonsensical ninnies, but once formed up in line with loaded muskets, they were able to defeat the enemy with disciplined volley fire.
We're coming back.