
Hello there; I'm wondering what everyone here uses to communicate with one another in regards to mod development. Are there any IRC channels dedicated to Mount and Blade Modding, or similar areas to chat, or do people sign onto projects as advertised on here? At the moment, I have a case of modmaker block and there are these general ideas I would like to see in a mod and yet I find if I were to chat with other modders online I would have a more concrete idea of what I would like to see...
-Settingwise, I am at a loss yet I am leaning towards a general swashbuckling mod inspired by Dumas. How would this appeal to people, not deeply rooted in history yet featuring alleyway fencing duels, scheming Cardinals plotting the king's assassination, or daring escapes from Ottoman seraglios? How "Orientalist" is another issue; in reading Monte Cristo, Dantes took on the image of an exoticized Eastern nobleman giving his own accounts of the history of the Assassins, to his acquisition of Haydee.
-In the previous thread, I asked if anyone was modding courting. Monte Cristo of course is inspiration for me asking this, as Dantes did everything to ruin the prospective marriages of his rival's heirs, from promoting the criminal Cavalcanti, to faking Valentine's death until Msr. Villefort went utterly insane. Plus the book had implied lesbianism between Eugenie Danglars and her music teacher, and the use of a 15-year-old crossdressing to lure Albert de Morcerf into far is too far? Ideally I wish to keep things more on a light-hearted tone.
Where can I discuss this in detail?
-Settingwise, I am at a loss yet I am leaning towards a general swashbuckling mod inspired by Dumas. How would this appeal to people, not deeply rooted in history yet featuring alleyway fencing duels, scheming Cardinals plotting the king's assassination, or daring escapes from Ottoman seraglios? How "Orientalist" is another issue; in reading Monte Cristo, Dantes took on the image of an exoticized Eastern nobleman giving his own accounts of the history of the Assassins, to his acquisition of Haydee.
-In the previous thread, I asked if anyone was modding courting. Monte Cristo of course is inspiration for me asking this, as Dantes did everything to ruin the prospective marriages of his rival's heirs, from promoting the criminal Cavalcanti, to faking Valentine's death until Msr. Villefort went utterly insane. Plus the book had implied lesbianism between Eugenie Danglars and her music teacher, and the use of a 15-year-old crossdressing to lure Albert de Morcerf into far is too far? Ideally I wish to keep things more on a light-hearted tone.
Where can I discuss this in detail?