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Can O Soup

I did a search for bracers and nothing specific came up about what they should do. I propose for there to be bracers of several types. Soft leather, hard leather, etc. They would be worn in the glove slot, since it might be just a little hard to pull a bowstring while wearing mail mittens.

Their effects would be to let you fire faster. This may not sound realistic, but we could chalk it up to the fact that your wrists don't hurt like hell. I don't think they should let you fire super fast, but they should let you fire slightly faster. Some of the better ones might be able to keep your reticle smaller for a longer period of time, due to the fact that a sore wrist isn;t distracting you.
Bracers in reality don't let you use a bow with a higher draw weight than you can normally, so I don't want them to in the game. They do however keep your arms from getting sore and let you move your wrist faster without twitching it etc.
how do bracers do that???? Surely they impinge on your wrist movement... unless holding the wrist in place helps... however if the above was correct then all the slashing animations would have to be remade for bracers as (especially with top to bottom slash) the wrist often bends back very far.
i think you mean this sort of archer bracer.
For protection from the Bow strain


And not this sort.


For protection against other stuff like a knife and sutch.
Well if you were in a combat situation such as the ones in M&B, you certianly wouldn't be pulling the bow string as far as you could each shot. After killing five men your wrist would be screwed for a few days. However, if you did have an archery bracer, on that braces (duh) you arm, you'd be able to fire closer to full strength for the same amount of shots. However, it would also be easier to fire at the same strength so you could simply fire faster. Bracers with plus 1 or 2 to power strike OR plus 5 to 20 (max) to weapon speed. But then again, you could just have a bonus to your bow and crossbow weapon skills, I believe they influence damage and speed. But then people will start arguing that a plate gauntlet would impair the more dextrous weapons, bows crossbow, even light weapons like a scimitar. The problem, as always, is where to draw the line. Why stop with archery bracers?
Its called arm guard.
I think it would be silly if they made you shoot faster. The only thing they really do is protect from the string. Nothing else. String striking at your wrist can hurt like hell if you dont wear it. Beliave me...I'av tryed. :lol:
Allthough some archers dont even use it since due their shooting style and highter string height the string never comes too close to the wrist.

Why dont just make impossible to draw with heavy cloves or add negative affects on accuracy etc?
It could improve archery though, in the way of letting you 'draw' the arrow for a longer period of time, since currently you are only able to keep the arrow ready for so long before your crosshair goes all over the place...
It doesn't make you stronger. Assume the reason the reticule starts to go crazy is is because your wrist and arm are sore from getting chafed by a bowstring. The bracer prevents that, and would let you keep the reticule small longer.
Dunga said:
Why dont just make impossible to draw with heavy cloves or add negative affects on accuracy etc?

Yes i would like that to right now i can draw my warbow with full platearmor with my plate gloves and great helmet on and with helmet on i should have sutch a bad line of sight that it would be almoste impossible to aim a bow and arow with it on.
Assume the reason the reticule starts to go crazy is is because your wrist and arm are sore from getting chafed by a bowstring.
I'd rather say, the reason is that the muscle strain make your arms tremble, the longer you hold the bow strung.
Can 'O' Soup said:
I did a search for bracers and nothing specific came up about what they should do. I propose for there to be bracers of several types. Soft leather, hard leather, etc. They would be worn in the glove slot, since it might be just a little hard to pull a bowstring while wearing mail mittens.

Their effects would be to let you fire faster. This may not sound realistic, but we could chalk it up to the fact that your wrists don't hurt like hell. I don't think they should let you fire super fast, but they should let you fire slightly faster. Some of the better ones might be able to keep your reticle smaller for a longer period of time, due to the fact that a sore wrist isn;t distracting you.
I think this is just another way of saying that you want to shoot arrows like legolas from L.O.T.R
Why should bracers confer a bonus of any kind to archery? It should rather be the opposite, that your archery would be penalized if you don't have bracers. That is, if we agree that bracers should affect archery at all.
Thats quite the idea. And i think bracers would add to realstic. Such a bow quit hurts when you use it repeatly without some kind of protection!
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