Boring Black Armour

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Well thats what i have heard it called many a time. Yes its true i would say most people go for it because it is the best armour in the game and why shouldnt they? What i would like to see is the heavier the armour it affects you in different ways. Yes i know that it already is designed that the heavier you are the slower you get but why not the heavier it is the slower it takes you to load an arrow or crossbow? How are you supposed to reach your quiver if you have plate armour, very hard. This would mean that people that prefere to use bows would want to have less efficient armour. Also if your armour is too heavy i think that you shouldnt be able to ride the smaller horses like steppe and saddle. Only war horses. Or it just slows the horse down.
Actually, in reallity average platemail armor is way lighter than chainmail. Yes, and I am talking about pure steel amor :smile: Platemail does however considerately limit freedom of movement. Chainmail too due the weight, but you could still grab your arrow :wink:
Of course not all quivers were slung over the shoulder... Hip quivers or a quiver hung over the knobby thing on the front of your saddle would do the trick..

I'm more concerned with the way someone in plate can turn 180 degrees in the saddle to launch a volley...
MMad said:
Didn't people often wear chainmail under their plate armor though?

Chainmail is one type of armor and plate armor is another type of armor. You can't use a chainmail under a plate armor because it won't fit. A piece of armor is crafted to make the best use of the user's body so it wouldn't leave enough space for another piece of armor.

What you probably mean, though, is the (forgot the name in english... stuff?). Plate armor was stuffed with soft materials to make it more confortable to use. You don't don the plate to your body, but you first wear some soft suit under then the plate shells over. What happened with the chainmail is that there were some hybrid types of armor that covered the most vital spots with plate shells and others (like arms and thighs, for example) with chained mail to facilitate movement and reduce overall weight.
"In the 14th century, plate armour began to replace mail. It could still be seen after this point being worn by those who could not afford plate, however, and it was also common to wear a shirt of mail beneath plate armour to protect the joints and the groin."
Copied from Wikipedia
I only got it because it was better then plate...

The spear-woman I use for MAG-7 uses templar armor, though. Just so she goes with the rest of the knights.
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