Borcha wont attack?

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I've noticed every time we go into battle Borcha is always staying behind, doing nothing at all - not even defending if attacked.

I've tried telling him to dismount, which he does, but he just keeps standing there idly.

I've equipped him with armor, sword and shield. He doesn't wield the weapons though. Given him a horse too.

The other companion, Marnid is fighting normally - that is badly, but at least he's trying :smile:

Anyone got any idea what's wrong?
That's the only explanation. You've given him a weapon that he's too weak/unskilled to use. In the trading screen, this is made pretty clear by him yelling "I CAN'T USE THAT ITEM!!!!!!!!!!" Check the weapon's requirements, give him something to use in the meanwhile and start beefing him up until he can use the one you originally planned. That is, if you still want him to use it by then.
Innocence said:
I've noticed every time we go into battle Borcha is always staying behind, doing nothing at all - not even defending if attacked.

I've tried telling him to dismount, which he does, but he just keeps standing there idly.

I've equipped him with armor, sword and shield. He doesn't wield the weapons though. Given him a horse too.

The other companion, Marnid is fighting normally - that is badly, but at least he's trying :smile:

Anyone got any idea what's wrong?

Where can you get these marnid and Borcha? Never heard of them. :???:
I just told you where to get Borcha. Marnid is in the tavern of Zendar, and will join you if you give him a padded cloth. I recommend giving him a tattered padded cloth or something, he will magically morph it into a regular one upon joining your party.
Innocence said:
I've noticed every time we go into battle Borcha is always staying behind, doing nothing at all - not even defending if attacked.

I've tried telling him to dismount, which he does, but he just keeps standing there idly.

I've equipped him with armor, sword and shield. He doesn't wield the weapons though. Given him a horse too.

The other companion, Marnid is fighting normally - that is badly, but at least he's trying :smile:

Anyone got any idea what's wrong?

When you first get Borcha, he starts with only 7 for Strength, so he pretty much can't use any weapon that has a minimum strength requirement.

I've made that mistake before. I gave him a Falchion, and took away his Knife, then went off into battle, gave the order to charge, and run off ahead to meet the enemy. Just before I engage them, I take a look around to see where Borcha was, only to find he's standing in the same position he started with his arms folded! :shock: Then I realised what I had done, and felt a bit stupid :oops:
Make sure you have .632 not .623. I made that mistake before :smile:. I was running around for about two weeks with the old version and completely ignored the newer version because I somehow overlooked the fact that .x32 was greater than .x23. It's because that the versions are the same except for two numbers are switched around.
Hmm, haven't added to his STR so he must still be at 7. Gave him a balanced broadsword, but don't recall it having a min. req. or getting the "I CANNOT USE..." message when I did (as I did when I gave him a war axe and a bow). But I'll check next time I play :smile:
Instag0 said:
Make sure you have .632 not .623
I'm a fairly new M&B player (<1 week) so I'm pretty sure I got the 632 version, although I will check on this as well :smile:
Innocence said:
Hmm, haven't added to his STR so he must still be at 7. Gave him a balanced broadsword, but don't recall it having a min. req. or getting the "I CANNOT USE..." message when I did (as I did when I gave him a war axe and a bow). But I'll check next time I play :smile:
Instag0 said:
Make sure you have .632 not .623
I'm a fairly new M&B player (<1 week) so I'm pretty sure I got the 632 version, although I will check on this as well :smile:

It's 8 I think. The min. strength
Broadswords have the same minimum strength requirement as falchions, which is 8. The message appears in the item swapping screen at the lower left, but I think it's only in the new version.

I recommend finding a watered-steel scimitar for him to use instead, even though increasing his strength would be a good idea anyway.
okiN said:
The message appears in the item swapping screen at the lower left, but I think it's only in the new version.
Oh, but I have seen this message before (it's virtually impossible to miss hehe) - all I'm saying is I didn't recall seeing the message when I gave him this sword, though I'm now convinced I've simply missed it (even though I just said this was virutally impossible to miss - DOH!) :smile:
though increasing his strength would be a good idea anyway.
I'll improve his STR no sweat - he's too intelligent by far already :grin:

Why do you have to buy/sell items between companion members? This makes it very hard to take away weapons as you'll have to compensate for items you practically gave him for free a few seconds earlier
Why do you have to buy/sell items between companion members? This makes it very hard to take away weapons as you'll have to compensate for items you practically gave him for free a few seconds earlier

Yea, those little bastards are greedy, thats why i got rid of em. I give him a full set of black, for 56 denars, basicly i GAVE him that stuff, and he wants money........frigger
Kniggit said:
Yea, those little bastards are greedy, thats why i got rid of em. I give him a full set of black, for 56 denars, basicly i GAVE him that stuff, and he wants money........frigger
Me: "Here you go my brave companion, try this marvelous piece of weaponry in our next fight!"
(after the fight)
Me: "Good job my friend, now can I have it back?"
Borcha: "Sure, if you give me the 3.500 gold it's worth"
Me: "Are you mad?! I just borrowed it to you for free?!!"
Borcha: "No you didn't! I paid you *4* gold for it and you agreed!!"
Me: "No I didn't!"
Borcha: "Yes you did!"
Me: "No I didn't!!!!"
(cuts off Borchas left arm)
Borcha: "Tis but a scratch!"
Me: "A scratch? Your arm's off!"
Borcha: "No it isn't!"

... maybe a M&B Monty Python MOD isn't such a good idea anyway :smile:
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